Saving the PCA
Sensing a great deal of unrest on several fronts in the PCA; is there a remedy?
The older men want a return to what they perceive as a conscious commitment and allegiance to our doctrinal standards. This includes adherence to six day creation, complementarianism, traditional Reformed and Presbyterian worship using the great old hymns of the faith, expository preaching, and intentional one on one evangelism and discipleship. The younger men, on... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Bestiality and Marriage
It’s time for participants in bestiality to come out of the closet
It’s time for participants in bestiality to come out of the closet. They have been the victims of discrimination too long. I suggest that Christians support them in their fight for liberty and respect. Not only should we support the rights of these people to practice bestiality, but we should recognize their right to marry... Continue Reading
Why I Cannot Sign the Family Integrated Church Confession
Reasons I will not sign the online family integrated church confession
There are various other problems with the confession: vague generalizations, undefined terms, simplistic proof-texting, questionable assertions and the like. These alone would prevent me from signing the confession. But throwing all churches under the evolutionary-secular-unbiblical bus for practicing age-segregation goes too far. Whatever a church or Christian believes about the FIC movement as a positive... Continue Reading
Toddlers Becoming So Addicted To iPads They Require Therapy
Children as young as four are becoming so addicted to smartphones and iPads that they require psychological treatment
The youngest known patient being treated in the UK is a four-year-old girl from the South East. Her parents enrolled her for compulsive behaviour therapy after she became increasingly “distressed and inconsolable” when the iPad was taken away from her. Her use of the device had escalated over the course of a year and she... Continue Reading
This is Bad, but God is Bigger
Thoughts from a West, Texas pastor, helping his community see God in the midst of devastation.
There are so many ministry lessons that can come out of something like this. In ministry, it’s easy to get caught up in the wrong priorities. You get caught up in numbers and money, and then something like this happens. It reminds you that ministry isn’t about making sure your church is the biggest and... Continue Reading
How To Pray For The Man Who Kills Babies
We should pray for Kermit Gosnell to experience both God’s justice and God’s mercy
When confronted with extravagant, Gosnell-like, Boston-like evil, we should pray that the perpetrators of evil would feel the sword of God’s justice. We should also pray that the wicked men and women involved would experience the incredible, life-changing, sin-forgiving mercy of God. Kermit Gosnell is currently on trial for the twenty-plus years of atrocities... Continue Reading
Sexual Lines no Pastor Should Cross
Advice for pastors on avoiding temptation
When you are close to some woman other than your wife, and you begin to sense all the signs of attraction–your temperature rising, your blood pressure elevating–walk away quickly. Make up an excuse, even if it’s only that “I just remembered something; I’ll be right back.” Then, get to your office or pretend to make... Continue Reading
Are There Contradictions in the Bible?
The majesty of the style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole
We know that God may use different authors to record the same or similar events, and the authors can describe the event from their perspective, with their respective languages and literary styles. But still we would expect agreement in the substance of what is being taught if all accounts are speaking under the superintendence of... Continue Reading
Envy Hunts in a Pack
The wolf-pack of envy is the death of gospel-shaped community
These sins always leave the same carnage in their wake: mistrust, conflict, divisions, dissensions, and strife. Envy inevitably tears people apart. It is corrosive to genuine fellowship and camaraderie. It makes friendship and unity impossible. It undermines all of the glorious “one-anothering” that the gospel calls us to: love one another, encourage one another, accept... Continue Reading
Is the News Making Us Dumb?
The problem isn't merely that the latest news is inaccurate—that is an inevitable feature of daily news—but that most news is largely irrelevant to our lives as Christians.
As Christians, we’re expected to take an eternal perspective, viewing events not only in their historical but also in their eschatological context. But I can’t do that while focusing on the churning events of the last 24 hours. Events that are truly important are rarely those captured on the front page of a daily paper.... Continue Reading