Foundations Crumble When God Is Ignored
What happens to any edifice when its foundation is destroyed? As Dostoevsky put it, “If there is no God, all things are permissible.”
What we propose to do today is to legitimize that which both the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God clearly reveal to be illegitimate. We propose, as a society, to solemnize, and affirm as acceptable and appropriate, what our Creator has declared, both by natural and special revelation, to be a violation of his... Continue Reading
Prison-Based Seminary Graduates First Class
Twelve inmates at the Danville Correctional Center in Illinois celebrated their seminary graduation on December 20, 2012
The meal was the first time Rev. Brummel had the opportunity to eat with his theological students. Even though they are served the same food, he usually must eat in a different location. Not only was it unusual for him to dine with his students, but it also provided the rare sight of a warden... Continue Reading
Building on the Right and Strong Foundation
Jesus identifies two building contractors, one wise and one foolish
The foolish man builds on sand….No, he’s not stupid. He’s foolish. No doubt he thinks he is building on solid ground as he gives ear to popular opinion or the latest scientific speculation or religious plurality or his own sense of fairness. But the wise man admits he is error-prone and in needed of God’s... Continue Reading
The G. Aiken Taylor Award for 2013: A Call for Papers in American Presbyterian Church History
The PCA Historical Center sponsors the annual the G. Aiken Taylor Award to recognize outstanding scholarship in the field of American Presbyterian Church History
The contest is open to all current and/or graduating seminary students who are members in good standing with one of the NAPARC member churches. Content & format: Entries shall address a problem or topic in the field of American Presbyterian History… and must demonstrate a high level of scholarship in their composition. The PCA... Continue Reading
Looking Evil in the Eye
God using evil things for our good does not make the evil things less evil.
So in the truest sense, we look evil straight in the eye, call it evil, and say loud and clear that whatever havoc it wields, whatever pain it causes, it is permitted, not free. We tell evil it’s not the ultimate reality in the universe. There is One who is stronger. There is One who... Continue Reading
Preaching immigration reform
Evangelical leaders urge Congress to overhaul immigration system
The pastors who spoke with me said Christians are in a good position to understand grace and what it means to have a debt forgiven. They said they aren’t advocating a free pass—as opponents of immigration reform often charge—but a way for illegal immigrants to be reconciled with the law. Gabriel Salguero, president of the... Continue Reading
A Review of Carl Trueman’s book: Histories and Fallacies
Carl Trueman not only motivates the readers, but turns them into their own truth detectives
Did you ever read a book on sanctification or the Christian life and become awakened to a whole new host of sins that you didn’t even know you were committing? Well, this book had that same effect on me with historical misdemeanors. As Trueman was introducing fallacies such as anachronism or reification, I had that... Continue Reading
Hipsters and Elitists versus Chain Stores
Controlling a neighborhood’s “character” for the sake of maintaining an elitist social vision does nothing but keep people from getting what they actually need.
Have these hipsters and elites ever bothered to asked this one simple question: why are the chains coming to New York City? Here’s a clue: New York is the most expensive state in America to run a business and the city is even worse. Because of the cascade of government regulations and high rents, due... Continue Reading
Marathon runner witnesses double disasters
Marathon runner witnesses double disasters, Boston Marathon and Waco plant explosion
A bomb exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon moments after Berti finished the race. Two days later, he was in his home state of Texas when he saw a fertilizer plant explode near Waco. “I was just like, ‘I can’t believe this!'” said Berti, who said he had never witnessed an explosion... Continue Reading
Episcopal Church Wins Virginia Supreme Court Ruling
Court: Falls Church Episcopal Church cannot keep the property, but can keep $3 million in church coffers
The [Virginia] Supreme Court affirmed that the property was rightly given to the mainline denomination but said some of the nearly $3 million in church coffers belongs to the Falls Church Anglican congregation. It was not immediately clear whether there would be an appeal by either side. If there is not, this would end a property... Continue Reading