Leadership as Stewardship, Part Two
The requirement of stewards is that they be found faithful. That’s why leadership is only for the brave.
We are the stewards of truth and teaching. This is the essence of convictional leadership. Leaders are entrusted with truth, with deep beliefs and framing convictions. Those convictions must be taught and retaught, affirmed and reaffirmed, protected and cherished. Otherwise, everything we believe can be lost into confusion, corruption, and worse. As the stewards of... Continue Reading
Love Constraining to Obedience
The history behind the hymn and the author, William Cowper
Cowper’s insight on the nature of sanctification and salvation is noteworthy. The earlier stanzas show an understanding of, or “seeing,” his sin. He points out the insufficiency of his merit, and the heavy slavish burden of the law. And then, as the text progresses, he points to the free Grace of God, meriting to mankind... Continue Reading
Joy or “Just Wait”?
Parenting can be utterly daunting. It just doesn’t help when others douse young parents with stories leading to doubt and despair.
We seem to live in a country overrun by a great lot of negative naysayers when it comes to parenting. I remember hearing comments like that when I was a new (and overwhelmed!) mom. It seemed that many parents were suffering from a chronic case of disappointment and dissatisfaction called ”Just-Wait-itis,” characterized by the inflammation... Continue Reading
Christian Journalist: Tell the Truth and Be Prepared For Rejection
Christian journalists must never be afraid of reporting the truth of a given situation, even when the truth is ugly and unpleasant
Christian journalist, your dominant role in this passage is an unrelenting “striver for verifiable truth.” That is, the journalist is to discover and report the truth in a given situation so as to inform the public in order that the public can make salutary decisions based on verifiable information. This role is counter-cultural in our... Continue Reading
Bigger Than the Box
Susan Hunt: "“Are we leaving our children vulnerable to the world’s approach to sexuality, marriage, and life itself?"
Before getting into the principles of biblical womanhood, she issued a warning to us. Another thing that happens when our biblical understanding is weak is that we get reductionistic. With intentions to counteract the world’s messages and be biblical women, we can condense biblical womanhood into a set of rules, legalistic moralism. Susan warned us... Continue Reading
Conservative Theology Gets Black Professor’s Contract Canceled
Dr. Williams is the only African-American male teaching full time in the School of Theology at Campbellsville University
In addition, he never received any official marks against his record at the school. The student reviews were positive, and he was promoted just a year ago to Associate Professor. He has published three books, several articles, and is currently contracted for three other books. This makes him one of the most published faculty members... Continue Reading
Courageous Leaders, Bullies and Weasels
4 traits of courageous character for ministry leaders
Part of the reason we are put in a position of leadership is because we are expected to have the courage to deal with challenges like this. When dealing with those who may be undercutting the people around them, true leaders confront, encourage change, and in certain instances, extend grace and a second chance. However... Continue Reading
Sex Trafficking: One Survivor’s Story
It's happening in our own towns and in our own backyards
What follows is an interview with Z. She decided to tell it because of the erroneous assumption the sex trade is only an international or urban problem. She is concerned her experiences may be being repeated because people are not suspicious enough or aware of what might be happening next door. Z is from Small... Continue Reading
Love and the Inhumanity of Same-Sex Marriage
Christians must recognize that the progressive position on same sex marriage is unloving and inhumane.
In our present cultural context, Christian love will prove costly to Christians and churches. Even if you recognize the Bible calls homosexuality sin, but you (wrongly) support same-sex marriage, your stance on homosexuality will offend. A people’s strongest desires—the desires they refuse to let go of—reveals their worship. To condemn sexual freedom in America today... Continue Reading
3 Ways the Gospel Changes Marriage
For Christians, Jesus is the head of the marriage, and his leadership brings changes
We know from the Scriptures that a Christian marriage is never simply a union of two people but two people united together in Jesus Christ. This is another way of saying that Jesus is our head, the Lord and the life-giver of our marriage. When a couple embrace the truth of the gospel, whether in... Continue Reading