Idiot Wind: A Response to Barnabas Piper
Evangelicals need a richer vocabulary of politics and better social values if we’re going to say anything worth hearing about “gay marriage”
Piper seems to be confused about the difference between compassionate, loving friendship, accepting people as they are, and public discussion and action. The aim of the former is to know, love, and help an individual friend come to knowledge of God and true self-knowledge. The aim of the latter is the public, common good of... Continue Reading
Your Kids Aren’t Your Own
Do children belong to their parents or to the village?
As the ultimate private institution, the family is a stubborn obstacle to the great collective effort. Insofar as people invest in their own families, they are holding out on the state and unacceptably privileging their own kids over the children of others. These parents are selfish, small-minded, and backward. “Once it’s everybody’s responsibility,” Harris-Perry said... Continue Reading
Christian journalist: Don’t be beguiled by fads
Seek the tried and true
Christian journalists, you may be called to be an observing witness (vs. 18) to the apostasy of the Church. Don’t flinch from reporting the sins of the Church for it may very well be your truthful and courageous trumpeting (vs. 17) of the disobedience of the many that may save the faithful few. These are... Continue Reading
UPDATE: Kristen LaGuardia, Daughter of PCA Pastor Ralph LaGuardia, Killed in Car Accident
Kristen LaGuardia, 25, was killed in an car accident late Saturday night, April 6, 2013
Update on the funeral service: The funeral service for Kristen LaGuardia will be Friday, April 12, at 11:30 AM, at Eastern Shore Presbyterian Church in Fairhope, Ala. Visitation will be from 10:00-11:30. A reception will follow the service. Kristen LaGuardia, 25, was killed in an car accident late Saturday night, April 6, 2013. Kristen is... Continue Reading
Bill O’Reilly, Gay Marriage, and the Bible
The true issue today is not what the Supreme Court will think about gay marriage but what the true and living God thinks about America
Notice that from a Christian perspective, the real issue is not sexual perversity, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual, but idolatry. The root cause is the refusal to grant authority to God and the exaltation of public opinion to a place of ultimate authority. Seen in this light, Bill O’Reilly’s prescription for Christians to stop... Continue Reading
How Does A Pastor Care For A Couple Who Just Experienced A Miscarriage?
Advice for pastors on how to help parents through pregnancy loss
Pastors, guard from trying to dismiss the seriousness of this loss. It is real, painful, and will require focused time to grieve and work through this loss. Sometimes the best thing to do is to sit with the couple, weep with those who weep, share your regret, and affirm this loss has not changed the... Continue Reading
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Does the argument that adultery makes you temporarily feel alive legitimize the foolish act? Absolutely not.
But God warns us against those who would call evil good (Isaiah 5:20), and fidelity to your marriage vow is good. Thou shalt not commit adultery, God says. These are not the words of a conservative prig but they are the words of a generous God whose commandments are not burdensome but wise and good,... Continue Reading
Conservative University Prof Wins a Major Victory in Court
Mike Adams is a member of a PCA congregation in Wilmington, NC.
The Fourth Circuit also ruled that the UNCW officials could be held personally liable if I ultimately won the case. In other words, all defendants were stripped of their qualified immunity. It was a resounding victory for academic freedom. When the case was remanded, the Fourth Circuit asked the district court to determine whether there... Continue Reading
Regeneration Precedes Faith
Is regeneration a monergistic work of God or a synergistic work that requires cooperation between man and God?
The reason we do not cooperate with regenerating grace before it acts upon us and in us is because we cannot. We cannot because we are spiritually dead. We can no more assist the Holy Spirit in the quickening of our souls to spiritual life than Lazarus could help Jesus raise him for the dead.... Continue Reading
Letter to a Homosexual Friend
Telling me that you are a homosexual took courage, especially because you know I’m a Christian
Because I believe how valuable you are, as a Christian I must say to you, out of deep respect for you and a concern for your future, that as a homo sexual you are engaging in a sexual practice that is contrary to the design that God the Creator intended for you. Please understand that... Continue Reading