The Quest for The Next Big Thing
In an innovative, youth-oriented culture, the temptation for the church is to prize innovation and youth above all things.
The major problem for the church is not technical but moral: human sinfulness. People do not refuse to believe because the minister has not mastered a particular demographic study or because he has failed to understand how “people today” think (this, and its synonyms, are typically code for people between 18 and 35, and thus... Continue Reading
God Raised Your Great Shepherd from the Dead
A Farewell Sermon
This is where I began my ministry almost 33 years ago. This is where we will end. My text then was: “It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or... Continue Reading
Politicizing Easter at Church of the Presidents
Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church in D.C. gave a political sermon Easter Sunday
Every president since James Monroe has attended St. John’s, and the clergy there across almost 200 years have usually done well not to align with one political party against another. Leon has been there since 1995, with Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama worshipping there. And he has delivered prayers at inaugurations for both Bush and... Continue Reading
Bracketing Morality — The Marginalization of Moral Argument in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate
Why are so many on both sides of the debate careful to excise the moral argument?
This is not to say that those who now defend the natural and venerable definition of marriage deny the existence of a moral argument, nor to imply that they are anything less than fully in agreement with the historic and scriptural assessment of the Christian church that homosexual acts and relationships are sinful. We must,... Continue Reading
The Death of Despair
Followers of Jesus Christ, of all people, have reason not to despair.
No wonder, then, that the message entrusted to the church is called gospel—literally, good news. The church has been given the good news that liberates men and women from despair . . . providing daily freeom and eternal hope, no matter the fear du jour. It is a joyful task, but it can be a... Continue Reading
If God Doesn’t Need Anything, Then Why Does He Command Us To Serve Him?
He doesn’t need our worship, our work, or our money.
When God tells us to sing and raise our hands to him, it’s not because he needs our praise to feel good about himself. It’s for our pleasure in him. When we express our appreciation of God it enhances our enjoyment of him. Like when we express appreciation for a great painting, or a great... Continue Reading
4 Ways to Respond to the Gay Community
Christians have a responsibility to represent Christ to a fallen world
Homosexuality has embraced our culture and our culture has embraced homosexuality. It’s part of the fallen nature of things, and fallen man has always been an expert at creating ingenuous ways to celebrate his brokenness. Homosexuality is one of those topics that draws vibrant reactions. Complex issues of the heart usually do. Christians are in... Continue Reading
Your Brain is Plastic (and that’s good news)
More recent research has demonstrated that we can actually change our brain structures and connections, improving our overall mood in the process.
I’m hugely encouraged by how this science confirms and explains Scripture. Through the Apostle Paul, God calls us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom .12:2). Both science and Scripture agree, we can change our brains by retraining them, we can renew our minds, and thereby be transformed. For those of... Continue Reading
A Tribute to the Life of Edith Schaeffer, 1914-2013
Thousands were led to belief in the importance of prayer by her weekly prayer times with students
As a personal note, no one, aside from my parents, more deeply affected the way I see God, his universe, his people and all people than did the Schaeffers. Their deep and sincere belief that Jesus Christ was Lord of all—all, all—carried me along throughout all my life. It was a deep and gracious thing... Continue Reading
What’s So Great about Suffering?
A review of The Sweet Side of Suffering by M. Esther Lovejoy
Lovejoy has walked some hard roads, and she knows how the story ends. On each page, she takes her readers’ eyes off of themselves and turns them to the fullness of Christ. The sweetness of our suffering does not depend so much on our ability to cling to Christ, but in his sure and certain... Continue Reading