The God-Centered Cross of Love Inexhaustible
A God-centered God created a God-centered cosmos that he saves by a God-centered cross.
Christian propitiation is not the works of sinful man to crudely appease an angry deity. That’s the pagan idea. Rather, Christian propitiation is the work of God to absorb his divine anger toward sinful man. The first is capricious and whimsical. The latter is the calculated selfless act of a loving God — indeed, of... Continue Reading
One Family Under God
How can a church effectively minister to the needs of all its members who span a wide range of ages?
In the final analysis, our basic human need as sinners trumps all other needs that are unique to age and stage of life. That means that the gospel is more important than any targeted ministry. It also means that, though we should work hard to communicate the gospel in understandable, age-appropriate ways, there is only... Continue Reading
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.
She was a complete stranger, so I hesitated to approach her. Looking around, I hoped to spot a traveling companion, someone who was already returning to comfort her. That’s when I noticed that many other people were watching her as well. Although she was not crying loudly, her soft sniffling and flowing tears caught the... Continue Reading
Gay Is Not the New Black
Is same-sex marriage a continuation of the civil rights movement?
It should be noted that the right to marry is one of the most frequently denied rights we have. People who are already married, 12-year-olds, and people who are too closely related are just a few categories of people routinely and/or categorically denied the right to marry. Hence, the charge that it is wrong to... Continue Reading
Holy Week and the Insomnia of Jesus
Danger doesn’t keep Jesus awake; the judgment of God does.
I lose sleep quite often over the things Jesus tells me I should not worry about: my life, my possessions, my future. Such is not of the Spirit. Why is it easier for me to worry about next week’s schedule, and to lose sleep over that, than over those around me who could be moments... Continue Reading
Expiation and Propitiation: Two Important Words
Ultimately, Jesus died to save us from the wrath of God.
Christ’s supreme achievement on the cross is that He placated the wrath of God, which would burn against us were we not covered by the sacrifice of Christ. So if somebody argues against placation or the idea of Christ satisfying the wrath of God, be alert, because the gospel is at stake. This is about... Continue Reading
Of First Importance: The Cross and Resurrection at the Center
Paul’s statement of priority is a vital corrective for our confused times.
And what is of first importance? “That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,” and “that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” The cross and the empty tomb stand at the center of the Christian faith. Without these, there is no good news — no salvation.... Continue Reading
Are You Called to the Ministry?
Are You Ready to Bleed?
You may lead a church that is growing and flourishing, a true picture of God’s will being done “on Earth as it is in Heaven”; or, you may lead a church that is more like the church of Corinth in Scripture: immoral, immature, selfish, etc. Enjoy God regardless. Don’t buy into the American Dream and... Continue Reading
7 Words From The Cross: The Word Of Triumph
It is finished
Jesus paid for sins once and for all – there is no more need for further sacrifices or payments. He satisfied divine justice forever. That’s why there is NOW no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (RO 8:1). Jesus has paid for all our sins – he will never have to pay for... Continue Reading
The “Marriage Generation” and “Lost” Causes
Yesterday IRD staff joined in the March for Marriage from the National Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court and back. Afterwards, Owen Strachen, theologian and church historian at Southern Baptist affiliated Boyce College in Louisville, KY, visited our office to talk about the newly unveiled “Marriage Generation.” Here’s the website: This project aims to... Continue Reading