The PCA: Are We Taking Ourselves Too Seriously?
Thoughts on the PCA and the National Partnership
We in the PCA take ourselves very seriously, but I wonder if we really need the PCA anymore. Of course, we like being the 800 gorilla in our little world, though it may be that we will in not too many years be eclipsed by the EPC and the Evangelical Covenant Order. But we may... Continue Reading
Did Luke Write Hebrews?
A Review of David Allen's Lukan Authorship of Hebrews
I have a whole new appreciation for Luke—doctor, historian, and linguistic master. “Both Luke and the author of Hebrews are described by most New Testament scholars as the most literary writers of the New Testament” (139). A writer would do well just studying the prologues of Luke, Acts, and Hebrews. Luke is doing so much... Continue Reading
Chinese outraged over another forced late-term abortion
“What had this baby done wrong, to be tortured to death in such an unimaginable way?”
The baby belongs to a 33-year-old mother in the Anhui province with the surname Lü, who was illegally pregnant with an over-quota baby under the one child policy. An informant tipped off family planning officials about the pregnancy, and on March 22, the officials dragged the mother to a local hospital where she was injected... Continue Reading
The Inviolable Laws of Nature and Nature’s God and Marriage
Marriage is an inviolable law that cannot be tampered with by man. It is lunacy and suicidal to think and act otherwise.
The Church did not invent marriage. The Church (and the Synagogue) seeks to bless what God has placed in the very nature of mankind and the order of His universe. To give in to libertarian or more accurately licentiate, muddle-headed notions and cries for ignoring what is encoded into the very laws of life is... Continue Reading
Christ Forsaken
All the sins of the elect, and the hell that they deserve for eternity, were laid upon Him.
But why would God bruise His own Son (Isa. 53:10)? The Father is not capricious, malicious, or being merely didactic. The real purpose is penal; it is the just punishment for the sin of Christ’s people. “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made... Continue Reading
Evangelicals Face Growing Tension Between Political and Personal Views Of Gay Marriage
Pastor Tim Keller's remarks to a group of journalists at a forum sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Keller, later in the session, came back to Rauch and specified how long he thinks any change would take. “He says if orthodox faith does morph to the place where people still have that high view of the text, they’re still people of the book, and we’ve completely embraced homosexuality as one way of loving... Continue Reading
18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children
A doctor answers why her family started homeschooling
Better socialization, less unhealthy peer pressure and bullying. Our kids no longer beg for video games we don’t want them to have or clothes we don’t like, or junky snacks they saw at school. One of our children struggled socially in school, and his schoolmates were ruthlessly mean. Despite a school anti-bullying policy and our... Continue Reading
Why the Arguments for Gay Marriage Are Persuasive
Think of all the ways gay marriage fits in with our cultural mood and assumptions.
By and large, people don’t support gay marriage because they’ve done a lot of reading and soul searching, just like people didn’t oppose it on high flying intellectual grounds either. For a long time, homosexuality seemed weird or gross. Now it seems normal. More than that, it fits in perfectly with the dominant themes and... Continue Reading
Should Christians Boycott Starbucks?
In this case (and in many like it) a boycott exposes us to all of our worst tendencies.
We won’t win this argument by bringing corporations to the ground in surrender. We’ll engage this argument, first of all, by prompting our friends and neighbors to wonder why we don’t divorce each other, and why we don’t split up when a spouse loses his job or loses her health. We’ll engage this argument when... Continue Reading
Is it the business of the Supreme Court to decide on Same-Sex marriage?
A professor of Political Science considers the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court on the issue of same-sex marriage
I suppose the strongest argument that it is the Court’s business would be the “full-faith-and-credit” clause of the Constitution, requiring states to honor contracts made in other states. But that’s hardly what backers of same-sex marriage are concerned about. Rather, they want the Supreme Court to declare same-sex marriage a right every individual has regardless... Continue Reading