Biblical Support for Christ’s Deity
Indeed, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, is the eternal Son of God who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
In his excellent book, Without a Doubt, Ken Samples provides a brief list of Scripture texts which attest to the deity of Jesus Christ. This list, as Ken notes, is incomplete, but it is a good start. Here are some texts you may want to study for the next time you encounter a proponent of... Continue Reading
25 Things I’ve Learned from Church Planting
God has shown me that, more than anything, he wants my heart.
21. Spiritual warfare is real. 22. Church plants should never be started by someone disgruntled or unable to sit under authority at his former church. Church plants cannot be rebuttals to another pastor’s methods and ideas. They must be built on a clear call from God. 23. A church planter and his wife must pray... Continue Reading
A Plea for Openness from the Center Right of the PCA
Why is it a “jerk” thing to do? Is that a mean word? No, it just fits the definition. Much of this feels very personal, not against a virtual nobody (and happy to be so, most days) like me, but against other good men. The point of this whole exercise is “we don’t want to... Continue Reading
The Rise of the Thin-Skinned Radicals
Part of growing in wisdom is the willingness to accept helpful rebuke.
Immaturity is thinking we are always right all the time. Immaturity is shining a spotlight on the faults of another (whether a movement, an organization, a person) and thinking we are above their flaws. It’s engaging in criticism and being unwilling to be criticized in return. We seem to be courageous when it comes to... Continue Reading
Raising Daughters in a World That Devalues Them
7 Things We Must Tell Them
I’m raising two daughters in this world and my heart cries for Jesus to rescue us all. But until He does, I can’t always protect or shield them, so I will tell them the truth. I can’t change (all this) in the world, but I can prepare them for it. I took my daughter... Continue Reading
7 Traits of False Teachers
How would you recognize counterfeit Christianity?
We must not be ignorant: “There will be false teachers among you” (2:1). So how do we apply this warning? First, Peter’s plain statement reminds us that the church needs to be protected. Among the many wonderful people who come to through the doors of the church each year, some would do more harm than... Continue Reading
A New New Testament: Are You Serious?
A review of the "New New Testament" recently released
In short, the New New Testament is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The council that put these books forth is a farce. It has nothing to do with the councils of old, yet implicitly seeks to claim authority on the basis of concocted semblance. The books were selected by those who, though certainly having a... Continue Reading
More Not Yet Than Already
The Case of George E. Ladd
Nobody did more to introduce and promote the concept that the Kingdom of God has already come but not yet fully come than Fuller Theological Seminary Professor Dr. George Eldon Ladd (1911 – 1982). In Jesus Christ the Kingdom has broken into this world and manifested itself in this present age. Redemption has been accomplished... Continue Reading
The Christian World of the Hobbit by Devin Brown
A review of the book on the Christian influences in Tolkien's world
Brown explores the world Tolkien made in a new book The Christian World of the Hobbit (Abingdon Press, 2012). In this work, he demonstrates how Tolkien’s Christian worldview bleeds through his written works and permeates the world he made. This aspect of Tolkien’s work is puzzling to many. His books have almost no references to... Continue Reading
Young Opponents of Gay Marriage Undaunted by Battle Ahead
They say they must argue in favor of traditional marriage, not against gay people or gay rights.
“Even if we are doomed, and I’m totally naïve, I think it’s important that I do this work anyway,” said Mr. Teetsel, of the Manhattan Declaration. “If what I believe is true is true, then I’ve got a responsibility to be on its side for as long as I can be.” They hear that... Continue Reading