New pope represents many firsts
The first Jesuit, the first "Francis," and the first non-European Pope
Although he is of Italian descent, Francis is the first non-European pope in the modern era, a significant shift for the church. Vatican watchers had speculated the 115 cardinals would select someone from South America or Africa to be their next leader because of the church’s growth in those parts of the world. Spanish is... Continue Reading
Ten Reasons Why I Will Never Go To Rome
Reasons why the Roman Catholic church is unbiblical
Rome anathematized the gospel of free grace. “If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone…let him be anathema” (Canons of Trent, 43). Scripture, however, teaches that God justifies ungodly sinners by faith alone, completely apart from works (see HC Q/A 60-61). For the past eight years or so, I’ve had the... Continue Reading
If you appoint men who are not qualified for the eldership what happens……
The dangers of unqualified elders
Untheological elders are not going to be able to spot error. In all likelihood it’ll be a matter of emphasis and we start to get unbalanced in our teaching. Elders with a good knowledge of scripture and the Confession will be able to correct us, or at least flag up where we might be becoming... Continue Reading
A Surprising Work of God
What is true revival?
So what is true revival? It is not revivalism, not individualism, not emotionalism, and not idealism. True revival is marked by a rediscovery of the word of God, a restored sense of the fear of God, a return to God through confession and repentance, a renewed spiritual commitment and accountability and finally, a reformation of... Continue Reading
When the Government Tries to Be God
When forbidden to preach Christ-alone-ism and commanded to preach many-ways-to-God-ism (or pluralism) we respectfully say, “No! And here are our reasons.”
Of course, for too long successive governments have enacted and tolerated laws that are evil (such as the legalizing of abortion). What’s new in our day is that laws are being proposed and enacted that attempt to force Christians to give up core Christian doctrines (e.g. Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation) and... Continue Reading
Pastor, you are a counselor
Encouragement and resources from David Powlison on "The Pastor as Counselor"
Perhaps preaching, leadership, and administration keep you preoccupied, and you do not do much hands-on pastoral work. It can easily happen. Many pastors don’t make and take time for serious talking with people. In effect, they are counseling people to think that most of us don’t need the give and take of candid, constructive conversation.... Continue Reading
Intinction and Extinction: Where is Our Good Faith?
Drop Adam and dip your bread in your wine. Adam is extinct, let's intinct.
It is no longer academically respectable to hold to Adam as a special creation from the dust of the ground. That thinking is dead and gone….Even if it were true, it lacks cultural timbre. It is now more germane to soak your morsel in the communion cup. Let’s not be so banal about the language... Continue Reading
Full Measure of the Golden Rule
The “Golden Rule” finds expression in every major religion but with one stark difference
The gospel of the kingdom declares the good news that a righteousness that qualifies us for the kingdom of God is a righteousness accomplished by our Messiah King, and is ours through faith in Him. The Golden Rule is not a directive for a way of salvation, but directs us in a way of living... Continue Reading
Fuller Seminary Announces Mark Labberton as Its New President
Labberton has accepted the call to serve as the seminary's fifth president, beginning July 1, 2013
Included among the priorities Labberton has already identified for his presidency are to strengthen Fuller’s commitments to the church, to deepen the ways Fuller addresses some of the key concerns and needs of the world, and to nurture a spiritually supportive community that includes all of Fuller’s regional campuses and the rich ethnic, language, and... Continue Reading
St. Patrick: Take Back the Great Missionary from the Culture of Green Beer
The factual accounts of Patrick, missionary to Ireland, are even more compelling than the folklore
We as Christians have allowed the modern, secular customs of St. Patrick’s Day to steal away one of the greatest missionaries in Christian history and reduce his memory to leprechauns, green beer and fictional tales. Let’s take back our beloved servant of Christ and share God’s glory achieved during the life of Patrick the missionary... Continue Reading