3 Fundamental Commitments Needed for a New Reformation
The darkness of this age calls for a new reformation
The needed reformation will not occur in the church until Scripture is returned to its preeminent place. The Word of God must be restored to its rightful position, governing the entire life of the church. Preachers must again rightly understand the supremacy of the Bible, not only its verbal inerrancy, but also its primary authority... Continue Reading
Your Kids and Porn
It is time to get educated about kids and porn; the world our kids live in is so drastically different than the generations before
When I was a kid, pornography was not something kids had easy access to. Partially rapped in paper, on the rack behind store convenient store clerk, the untouchable and forbidden magazines were kept from getting into young hands. Of course there were always those kids who found hidden stashes at home or had their own... Continue Reading
How Christians Prepare for Suffering
If we treasure Jesus, then every aspect of suffering in our lives is losing something we have already declared as loss
If when you become a Christian you write a big red “LOSS” across all the things in the world except Christ, then when Christ calls you to forfeit some of those things, it is not strange or unexpected. The pain and the sorrow may be great. The tears may be many, as they were for... Continue Reading
California Baptist University Sued by Expelled Transgender Student
Javier appeared on the MTV program "True Life" and revealed that while identifying as a female, he had been born male
“Domaine did not lie about her gender identity. She identifies as female. She also identifies as Christian. CBU may believe that because it is a private, religiously affiliated institution, it has the right to expel transgender people without having to pay for the damages it has caused,” said Southwick. California Baptist University has been... Continue Reading
Providence Christian College in Pasadena Receives Accreditation
Western Association of Schools and Colleges grants Providence Accreditation
“Although Providence has always pursued and maintained the highest standards of academic excellence in the classroom, receiving accreditation underscores an important milestone for Providence, its constituents, as well as for current and future students. It is a testament to the overall financial sustainability of the college. Additionally, accreditation will provide a more favorable opportunity for... Continue Reading
Sex in the Sermon
God's Word is not prudish about sexuality. It is careful to illustrate the pitfalls and the trappings, as well as the beauty and the blessing.
Could it be that we face so much sexual confusion in the church because we fail to preach faithfully through all of Scripture? Society shames sex by speaking of it too often in the wrong context, with smirks and innuendos. Conversely, we in the church often shame sex by failing to speak of it all,... Continue Reading
Doctor behind HIV cure a former missionary
Her work with AIDS patients in Africa helped direct her medical career
“Her interest in HIV has always just stemmed from her love of children and her heart’s desire to use her gifts to help as many as she could,” her husband said. “She threw herself fully into it and was determined to learn all she could to do the best she could for the children that... Continue Reading
Depression: When the black dog howls
Advice on what to say and what not to say to someone struggling with depression
All-in-all I see depression a result of the fall, not a part of God’s creation. As such Jesus died so that we might have ultimate deliverance from it. That may or may not happen in this life for me, but it gives me yet another reason to long for That Day. The term “black... Continue Reading
Why Are We Afraid?
Our Fears Reveal the Failures of our Faith
If we truly feared the Lord and held the Holy One in such honor and reverence that we trusted ourselves completely to His hands, then none of this nonsense would really matter to us. But our fears reveal our failings of faith. I fear what people think of me and are saying about me behind... Continue Reading
I Believe in Motherhood and Apple Pie, Maybe Not Revival
The Revivals elevated experiences of the heart over the practices of a life.
Revivals, like all things that emphasize and rely on experiences, are not sustainable. Experiences are about feelings, godly or otherwise. Feelings by nature and necessity fade and fluctuate. When one relies on experiences he is setting himself up for disappointment and disillusionment. Experiences are like romantic love. You can’t build a lifetime marriage relationship on... Continue Reading