Wisdom for Pastors: Being Regretful but Not Devastated
Isn't it wonderful that we can stare our deepest, darkest failures in the face and be unafraid?
Isn’t it comforting that we can honestly face our most regretful moments and not be devastated? Isn’t it amazing that we can confess that we really are sinners and be neither fearful nor depressed? We can do all of these things because, like David, we have learned that our hope in life is not in... Continue Reading
The Cost of Compromise
Compromised truth has no hope of rescuing the eternal souls of men and women
This is a battle we cannot wage effectively if we always try to come across to the world as merely nice, nonchalant, docile, agreeable, fun-loving people. We must not take our cues from others who are perfectly happy to compromise the truth whenever possible for “harmony’s” sake. Friendly dialog may sound affable and pleasant. But... Continue Reading
How Dutch legalizing of prostitution, drugs, and euthanasia is working out
It has been a social, legal and economic failure
Legalisation has not been emancipation. It has instead resulted in the appalling, inhuman, degrading treatment of women, because it declares the buying and selling of human flesh acceptable. And as the Dutch government reforms itself from pimp to protector, it will have time to reflect on the damage done to the women caught in this... Continue Reading
Why Pastors Should Read Over Their Heads
Good pastors are voraciously curious—about people, about history, about the Bible, and about knowledge.
What does this mean for you as a pastor? I can’t say for sure. But consider subscribing to a good journal like JETS or WTJ. Don’t dismiss every book that costs more than you think it’s worth. Plow through a book on your shelf that only makes sense half of the time. Find an area... Continue Reading
Debunking Megachurch Myths
Especially the One About Sheep Swapping
Yes, there are some terrible megachurches. Just like there are some terrible churches that run 125 every week. But my job, and yours, is not to indiscriminately cast stones at every church that happens to be, or not to be, a certain size. So this week inadvertently turned into Megachurch Week on the blog.... Continue Reading
Considering a Call Amidst the Clamor of Bigger is Better
Do not despise the day of small things for in the small things God’s glory is magnified.
We may come to believe that our ministries are only important if they are reaching a large number of people. We are tempted to believe that a pastorate can only be considered greatly effective if there are great multitudes hearing it. We think those pastors who are the greatest are those who have produced the... Continue Reading
“Lincoln” – My Complaints, Part II
Who is the real hero of abolition in the United States? Is it Abraham Lincoln? Hmm
My biggest complaint with Spielberg’s Lincoln is that it gives the impression that one great, pure man brought about “the greatest measure of the nineteenth century.” The reality is that while most of the country followed Lincoln’s lead, Lincoln was following the lead of runaway slaves, free blacks and abolitionists. And none of this would... Continue Reading
The Moral Elephant in Black America’s Room
What would happen if moral virtue hailed supreme in low-income black neighborhoods?
One has to wonder how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would respond to the state of black America in 2013. From the nonsense that regularly spews from the mouth of rappers like Lil Wayne to the black-on-black violence that continues to plague many black urban and rural neighborhoods, we are moving further away from King’s... Continue Reading
The Creedal Imperative
A review of Carl Trueman's book
Apparently, this book is too cool for a subtitle. Carl Trueman has a market on cool by rebelling against cool. Especially skinny jeans. But I digress. I’m thinking something like, “The Indicatives are Imperative.” But that’s just me. Does your church catechize or teach with creeds? Sure it does. Trueman makes the case that all... Continue Reading
The Senior Adult Dilemma, Part 2
If we want to reduce the amount of stress and heartache experienced both by church leaders and seniors a modified approach to discipleship is needed
Far from “callous disregard” for seniors’ concerns, those entrusted with spiritual leadership should help seniors see their true needs, learn to trust God instead of routines, and continue to press on toward the goal of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. In my last post I explored a few issues involved with... Continue Reading