5 Things Every Daughter Needs to Hear From Her Dad
There is something about having a daughter that softens a man, adds a certain tenderness to his soul
Whatever you do, don’t let your daughter consume the poison of the culture which measures a woman’s worth by her independence, by her ability to give away freely her purity. Don’t for a moment let her swallow the lie that sexual license is anything but a bondage of the worst kind, the enemy’s way of... Continue Reading
The Seminary Bubble
School loans, uncertain futures, and poor preparation for the realities of pastoring
I’ve known scores of seminary students. Many have the natural leadership gifts to be pastors, but many do not. I’ve seen the ones who do not jumping through the bureaucratic hoops with a wife and children in tether, sacrifices made, poverty borne with grace, and then heartbreak. No pulpit, no job, except maybe a church... Continue Reading
How Can I Tell If I’m Called to Pastoral Ministry?
Do I still want to be a pastor if I never write a book, never speak at a conference, and never have a big church?
I’ve been asked the question many times, and I’m not sure I agree with it. The question often assumes that pastors, unique among all the vocations of the world, will (and sometimes must) have a powerful, divine, subjective call to ministry that overwhelmingly points them in their God-ordained direction. I don’t see support for that... Continue Reading
Homeschooling Not a Fundamental Right Says Justice Department
Who has the greater right over the education of children: the parents or the State?
On January 26, 2010, a federal immigration judge granted the Romeikes political asylum, ruling they had a reasonable fear of persecution for their beliefs if they returned to their homeland. The judge also denounced the German policy, saying it was, “utterly repellent to everything we believe as Americans.” However, President Obama’s Justice Department disagreed. They... Continue Reading
Texas Teen Sues Parents to Stop Forced Abortion
A temporary restraining order was recently granted to the 16-year-old by a county judge, but the case is far from over
“If the parents force an abortion on a minor, then the parents could not only be subject to civil responsibility, but they could also be criminally liable under our fetal homicide laws,” explained a local legal analyst to ABC News. “Not only does the minor have a right to be protected, but the fetus does... Continue Reading
Why Is America Still Sending Long Term Missionaries?
When engaging in cross-cultural ministry, the key thing is building relationships – relationships of mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual understanding. This takes time. In the story of the Tower of Babel, God confuses the languages of mankind. That’s why there will always be a need for long term missionary personnel – men and women who... Continue Reading
God for Obamacare …Dr. Ben Carson’s Heresy
Was Dr. Carson out of line for bringing up healthcare at the National Prayer Breakfast?
In truth, what certain members of the media object to is “the mere fact that Carson publicly disagreed with Obama on healthcare, especially in the context of faith. For liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans should never use their faith to disagree; only liberal Democrats enjoy such freedoms. I could give a thousand examples illustrating the point;... Continue Reading
Thoughts on the Insanity and Absurdity of Sending Our Wives and Daughters into Combat and Three Egalitarian Myths
While men and women are equal in many ways, there are distinctions that must also be considered when it comes to combat
The juggernaut of social and cultural irrationality has now spread from the laughable and the ridiculous to the dangerous and the frightening, as a nation sacrifices its wives and daughters by sending them into combat at the inevitable expense of national security, combat integrity, military effectiveness and efficiency. My wife is Cindy. Cindy and... Continue Reading
This Lent I Am Giving Up . . . Reticence
Is Lent the unholy elevation of something not mandated by the Word of God?
I find it odd that some of the very people who obsess about contextualization and resist ‘religion’ have swallowed hook, line and sinker the empty traditions of men, that the men who wear Mickey Mouse T-shirts (quite literally) all the year round besides dress in somber suits every April, telling us with one breath that... Continue Reading
The Defender of Faith
Archbishop of Canterbury: Need to acknowledge the problems of living in a society in which the state increasingly acts as the only moral authority.
By some measures, Britain is the least religious country in the developed world. Some 64 per cent of us do not set foot in any place of worship in a year, according to the British Social Attitudes survey, a higher proportion than anywhere else in the world. Only half of us say that religion is... Continue Reading