Is Anxiety Really Sin?
“Stress” is not a biblical word. “Worry” and “anxiety” are. And they are sins.
When I’m anxious, I’m trying to take God’s job. I think that either he doesn’t care enough for me, or he doesn’t have the situation in control. When I’m anxious, when I’m refusing to ‘cast’ my cares on him, I’m thinking that the situation is better handled by me than God. “Stress” is not... Continue Reading
The Roots of an Evangelical Magisterium
Can the Kingdom of God be restricted to a particular visible institution?
One cannot help but wonder “Whatever happened to “faith alone”? Are we not being led to believe that rather than “justified by faith” that our “faith is justified” by the evangelical magisterium? Is the kingdom of God now synonymous with a particular visible institution to which one must give their nod of approval? Scary stuff.... Continue Reading
Congressman: I Was Almost an Abortion Victim, Adoption Saved Me
A Congressman’s testimony of almost being aborted and thankful he was not
People often ask me why I am pro-life. I tell them my story and about the wonderful love I experienced from not only my adopted mother, but my birth mother as well. If anyone has a compelling reason to support life, it would be me. Ronald Reagan made a great observation when he said, ‘Abortion... Continue Reading
Theology and Doxology
Theology is meant to set us singing. Our worship is meant to take us deeper into the glorious truth of our Redeemer’s work.
I read a lot of theology books. That’s my job—and my passion. But every time I pick one up, I raise a silent challenge: “Make me sing.” I go to a lot of worship services. That also is my job—and my passion. My challenge is, “Take me deeper.” The knowledge of God and the praise... Continue Reading
The Insider Movement: The Answer is ‘No,’ In Reply to Timothy Tennant
“Can someone say ‘yes’ to Jesus and ‘no’ to the existing local expressions of the church?”
The Insider Movement claims that people can be true believers in Isa (Jesus) while remaining within Islam, often because Isa has appeared to them in a dream or a vision. But this involves misunderstandings about the nature of salvation. Whether we like it or not, God has entrusted the means of grace to his church. ... Continue Reading
ACLU Drops Challenge to Kansas Abortion Law
The ACLU ended its legal challenge to a Kansas law restricting private health insurance coverage for abortions
The case had been scheduled for trial in March to determine the larger question of whether the significant costs for abortions many women must now pay for themselves create a substantial burden on the federal right to an abortion. The joint stipulation of dismissal which prohibits the ACLU from raising the claims again or appealing... Continue Reading
‘Virtual’ Public Schools Draw Interest of Religious Families
While virtual schools provide secular curriculums, religious parents can interject their own religious views into the courses
Virtual schools are different than home schooling in several ways. They are part of the public school system, employ state-certified teachers, administer state assessment tests, and follow standardized curriculums. There are also report cards and transcripts. In a typical week, students spend about 20 to 25 hours on textbook reading and class work, and another... Continue Reading
Why the Paedocommunion and Intinction Debates in the PCA?
The Scriptures and Standards appear clear enough, so why the debates?
So, if the Scripture is clear and the standards are clear, why are we even having these debates? The only reason is because many people in our denomination (a majority, if a recent poll is accurate) want us to be more tolerant and accepting of divergent views than our standards would permit. I... Continue Reading
9 Things You Should Know About Roe v. Wade
Facts about the landmark abortion case that few remember
Because of the Roe decision, America is (along with Canada) one of the only Western countries in offering no legal protection to the unborn at any stage of development. On the fortieth anniversary of the landmark abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, a new poll shows the majority of people under 30 can’t name what the... Continue Reading
8 Ways Preachers Harm the Depressed
What kind of sermons harm depressed and anxious Christians?
In a church of 100 people, 20 people will likely experience an episode of depression at some stage in their life. If you are in a church of that size, there are probably 5-10 people struggling with anxiety or depression right now. But instead of finding comfort and consolation in the preaching of God’s Word,... Continue Reading