New Research: Fewer Americans Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin
Only 37 percent believe that homosexual behavior is a sin
This is also an important moment as Americans consider a simple question: are people of faith no longer welcome as they continue to hold the beliefs they have always held? I believe the trajectory toward greater acceptance of homosexuality will continue. However, there will always be a sizable minority of people, often people of faith,... Continue Reading
If Real Life Were Like Social Media
What would happen if we treated people at a party like we do online?
I scanned the room, and noticed my friend Vito sitting on the couch by himself, talking to himself. I managed to overhear what he was saying: “Saw the new Batman movie – meh. This Jello is awful. I’m taking a drink of my Coke right now. Can’t wait for school to be over!” Apparently no... Continue Reading
How Can the Gospel Be Good News to Gays?
Following Jesus involves leaving behind a practicing gay lifestyle
It is simply not possible to argue for gay relationships from the Bible. Attempts by some church leaders to do so inevitably involve twisting some texts and ignoring others. God’s Word is, in fact, clear. The Bible consistently prohibits any sexual activity outside of marriage. As someone who experiences homosexual feelings this is not always... Continue Reading
The Sanctity of Human Life
Human dignity is derived from God
In biblical terms, the sanctity of human life is rooted and grounded in creation. Mankind is not viewed as a cosmic accident but as the product of a carefully executed creation by an eternal God. Human dignity is derived from God. Man as a finite, dependent, contingent creature is assigned a high value by his... Continue Reading
What Thieves Cannot Break Through and Steal
God's providential care during a home invasion and robbery
Last Wednesday, the third day of this year, I was working at my desk at school when Christie called me on my cell. She said a jumble of things [in my mind] but also something close to, “some men just came into our house…they put a gun to Karsten’s head….and put him in the closet.”... Continue Reading
An Essay on Cynicism
In Christ, even cynicism can be overcome
Some of us are cynical because we have felt the power of the insiders and been kept outside or put outside. Others of us may have had the determination to move several rings toward the center. But, at what cost? Has integrity been lost – what about health? Eventually, will non-negotiables like gender, age, body type... Continue Reading
The Answer to Russia’s Orphan Crisis
Preaching the Gospel and adopting the orphans
The answer to orphanages teeming with doomed children isn’t, ultimately, American adoption. The answer is, ideally, a Russia so revived by the gospel of adoption in Christ that Christian families receive children even as they have been received into the household of Christ. Ultimately, of course, we seek a a landscape devoid of orphanages, as... Continue Reading
Louie Giglio and the New State Church
Evangelical Pastor No Longer Giving Inaugural Prayer Because of Sermon on Homosexuality
When it is now impossible for one who holds to the catholic Christian view of marriage and the gospel to pray at a public event, we now have a de facto established state church. Just as the pre-constitutional Anglican and congregational churches required a license to preach in order to exclude Baptists, the new state... Continue Reading
Struggling to be Free or Free to Struggle
Why we fight against indwelling sin
In other words, we no longer have to struggle to be free from sin. Christ has set us free, and we are free indeed. But what does that mean? If we are no longer slaves to sin, and Christ’s obedience is applied to our account, are we free to go out and live lives of... Continue Reading
Humbled to Serve as the President of RTS-Charlotte
Training not just pastors, and not just scholars, but pastor-scholars who love God with their heart and mind
But at the heart of RTS-Charlotte, and one that is most exciting to me, is the commitment to a very simple principle, that we can love God with both our hearts and our minds. Many have the belief (even if it is not stated) that when it comes to Christian ministry we have to choose... Continue Reading