Reformed People: Get It Right, That’s Not Outreach
“I like my way of doing (evangelism) better than your way of not doing it.”
Despite, perhaps, the alarming title, my plea is to see Reformed and Presbyterian Churches whole-heartedly embrace outreach. I know many denominations are great about foreign missions, but what about local? Our neighbors need the gospel, too!
What Is Hypocrisy?
Many Christians fear that doing the right thing without the right feelings makes them hypocrites.
The hypocrite is not the Christian who struggles against sin, fights against temptation, and keeps doing what is right even on his worst feeling days. That’s a hero. The hypocrite is the Christian who uses the veneer of public virtue to cover the rot of private vice
How does a pastor help his children not become disenchanted with the church or his ministry?
A PK's testimony about his dad
This is a question that should be on the minds of every pastor. It is certainly on mine. Every pastor’s family is at risk at becoming disenchanted, even hostile to that church and ministry that so often takes their father away. How can a pastor help, not hinder his children to grow in love for the church?
Science catches up to Scripture with evidence of historic flood
The scientists speculate the now salty Black Sea was once a freshwater lake surrounded by farmland
Christians excited about Ballard’s discovery need to remember that the archeologist and his researchers approach the Bible with a very different attitude than believers, said Dr. Corné Bekker, department chair of biblical studies at Regent University, in Virginia Beach, Va
Renewing Our Faith and Reforming Our Ministry Practices
Understanding the Foundational Documents of The Gospel Coalition
Discerning readers will note that the authors affirm with the Foundation Documents issues such as complementarianism (Davis, pp. 66, 72), divine election (Smith, p. 93), divine sovereignty over evil (Andrews, p. 80), a propitiating model of atonement (Smith, p. 109)
A Cautionary Note for Those of Us in Social Media
Checking a prospective employee’s use of social media is now standard before hiring someone
I do indeed love the world of social media. From my perspective, this new world of communication has done much good for our society. But like any other instrument, something that it used for good can also be used in a harmful way.
Former PCUSA GA Moderator Cindy Bolbach dies at age 64
Ruling elder and corporate attorney, noted for her non-anxious presence, intelligence, and humor, succumbs to cancer
A memorial service will be held Saturday, December 15, at 1:00 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church of Arlington, Va.
12.21.2012 … The End of the World?
The Mayan calendar does not predict the absolute end of the world, but only the end of a cycle
Note carefully. Such an upbeat vision is predicated upon the end of the Christian world. This new birth must eliminate from human society the first line of the ancient Christian creed: “I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” This is the great obstacle holding back the dawning of the Age... Continue Reading
Unlearning Liberty
American universities are discouraging students from expressing controversial views
On college campuses today, students are punished for everything from mild satire, to writing politically incorrect short stories, to having the “wrong” opinion on virtually every hot button issue …. this problem will only get worse as university-educated people assume leadership in society without any firm grasp of the fact that good ideas survive challenge... Continue Reading
Americans Ready to Risk Lives to Save Souls in Monterrey, Mexico
Presbyterians from churches like the PCA, many of them older men, don't let drug war violence scare them away from checking up on the churches they support financially
Retired [PCA] pastor Rod Whited had made the trip from Jacksonville, Fla. When his church learned it was unsafe to send church groups across the border, it hosted a “reverse mission,” welcoming Mexican teenagers to the U.S…. Pastor Andres Garza and his American colleagues didn’t want the locals to think that American missionaries came only... Continue Reading