What’s the Greatest Ecclesiastical Threat Facing the Church Today?
We are increasingly unchurching the churched.
How many Sundays did they actually spend with the communion of saints in public prayer, public reading of Scripture, public preaching, partaking of the sacraments—did they ever meet with an elder or pastor? If these things are not a part of the normal experiences of young people, they’re not really connected to the church
The 3 Tenses of the Gospel
The moment we drift away from the gospel, we perish.
At every stage—justification, sanctification, glorification— we come with empty hands, seeking mercy from our heavenly Father. Even at the point of our obedience as Christians—we are to “work out [our] salvation with fear and trembling”
Gay Marriage and the Future
Legal gay marriage in all 50 states is inevitable at this point
As a Christian and as a pastor, I will never retreat on the issue of marriage. It’s just too important. I will continue to teach and preach what the scripture says on whatever platform the Lord allows me to stand on.
What Is the Biggest Change Evangelical Seminaries Need to Make Right Now?
Three visions of the future.
A future model for seminaries would include a balanced faculty, comprising theologians, biblical scholars, and resident church planters who are actively partnering with key churches and ministry networks. Students would take courses in theology and biblical languages from scholars as well as courses in church planting, in which they would be required to help plant a church.
The God of Peace
As a culture we’ve lost sight of the depths and seriousness of our sin.
The peace that Paul refers to is the peace of “God and sinners reconciled.” What joyful news this is! As the country preacher once said, “God ain’t mad no more!”
Bible Publisher Tyndale House Beats Obama Abortion-HHS Mandate in Court
The court’s order is the third nationwide against the mandate
“The Court has no reason to doubt, moreover, that Tyndale’s religious objection to providing insurance coverage for certain contraceptives reflects the beliefs of Tyndale’s owners. Nor is there any dispute that Tyndale’s primary owner, the Foundation, can ‘exercise religion’ in its own right, given that it is a non-profit religious organization; indeed, the case law is replete with examples of such organizations asserting cognizable free exercise and RFRA [Religious Freedom Restoration Act] challenges.”
PCUSA’s Santa Barbara union presbytery plan with ECO struck down
The only essential tenet is the freedom to believe that there aren't any
Although the ruling states that "Councils do not have the right to bind the conscience of either pastors or members to a pro-forma set of essentials," the SPJC has sought to do just that by elevating the freedom of conscience above all other values in our common life
SC Episcopal Bishop Writes Clergy on eve of Special Convention
The "national" Episcopal Church has married yesterday's fads and is becoming today's widow, says Lawrence
The following letter was sent to members of his diocese by The Right Reverend Mark Joseph Lawrence of The Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina on November 14, 2012
New Efforts by Barna Group, NAE, Others Aim to Reach—and Understand—Hispanics
Evangelical leaders capitalize on post-election interest in U.S. Latinos.
In a forced-choice question, more than half of all Hispanic Christians (54 percent) said they primarily identify themselves as "Hispanic or Latino," while one in four primarily identify themselves as "Christian or Catholic" (24 percent).
Changing standards?
In our anything goes culture, what are the rules for public officials?
If the secretary of agriculture, say, is engaged in an adulterous relationship, would that be a lesser offense than adultery by the CIA director, or the secretary of defense? Should one stay in office and the others resign? What would Carrie Bradshaw advise?