Reasons to Vote in Favor of Amending the PCA Book of Church Order 58-5
Why the PCA’s BCO 58-5 should be amended as proposed by the General Assembly
“This amendment clarifies what the BCO and our Standards already assume is the Biblical practice, and there is no good argument not to ask our churches to conform to this simple instruction in order to obey the plain Scriptural accounts and to help preserve our liturgical unity together as a denomination. Therefore, we should approve... Continue Reading
Reading the Bible for Revival
For revival to happen, folks need to hear about Jesus. For people to trust Jesus, they need to hear the gospel
Doing biblical theology, redemptive history, isn’t a cure-all, not when it’s done wrong. Sometimes it comes out like this: isn’t it neat that Jesus is here in this strange place, Amen. Sometimes it leaves out what Jesus has to do with these very real issues in my life. I learned from Jay Adams that a... Continue Reading
Insights into Fastest-Growing Population Segment in the U.S.
New study gives in-depth look at factors influencing worldview of Hispanic-Americans
By 2050, it is predicted that there will be no ethnic or racial majority in the U.S. and Hispanics are projected to make up 25 to 30 percent of the population. Thus, the impact of beliefs and behaviors of Hispanic-Americans is becoming increasingly significant. “This report provides critical insights into Hispanic-Americans—a rapidly growing... Continue Reading
What You Don’t Know About Complementarian Women
In her new book, Rachel Held Evans wants to put us all in one camp. Not so fast.
Even if all complementarian women did prefer cookbooks to systematic theologies—and they don’t—theological seriousness is not qualified by content but method. And it is just as theologically substantive to talk about homemaking from a biblical perspective as it is to discuss scientific theory or any other feature of contemporary life. Both could be approached in... Continue Reading
Pastors Wander Streets in Personal Bid to Understand Homelessness
Pastors were intentionally homeless, wandering the streets to understand the plight of the homeless
Buff is the lead pastor at Grace Church, an independent evangelical church where Nguyen serves as youth minister while he finishes a degree in music education at Oklahoma University. The pair spent their days moving through Norman, looking for gaps in homeless services and engaging the homeless in conversations about their lives and their options.... Continue Reading
Christian Reconstruction, Alive and Well
The Christian Reconstruction movement is not dead
Christian Reconstructionism continues to be much maligned and misrepresented. Churchmen continue to throw stones at it because it believes that the Kingdom of God is greater than the Church. The spiritually-minded belittle it because it defines good and evil in terms of God’s law. Pietists deride it because it believes that the Bible speaks specifically... Continue Reading
Research: Protestant Pastors View FOX News as the Most Accurate and Fair Television News Source
FOX News is the choice for many evangelical pastors
In 2010, LifeWay Research conducted a survey of more than 1,000 Protestant pastors on the topic of television news sources. It should come as no surprise that FOX News was chosen by nearly 50% of respondents to be accurate and fair… PBS was second in the results with 31% seeing them as accurate and fair.... Continue Reading
Brothers, We Are Not Sisters
The best thing in the church for the women is for the men to be men.
Our battles over women’s ordination are often misguided in emphasis. We ought to spend less time trying to keep the women from becoming men in the pulpit, and more time teaching men to become men in the pulpit
Waning Evangelical Influence
The GOP also needs to understand that many in the black community care more about entitlement programs than they do about abortion.
By most accounts, evangelicalism began with the influence of the Great Awakenings of the 18th century, which provided a set of social norms and values that has shaped much of American life and public policy for nearly three centuries. But those days may be over.
Kicking Abortion and Marriage to the Curb
Their fundamental naiveté about gay marriage consists in the underlying assumption that marriage is a private matter
I said last week that some partisans would be looking to kick pro-life and marriage to the curb. Well, this is what it looks like. We knew that this kind of critique was coming. Keep your seatbelts fastened because there’s likely going to be more where this came from.