Glorious Ruin: Appreciation and Concerns
Tullian (Tchividjian) seems anxious to sever any moral link between sin and suffering
If you’re looking for a book on suffering that offers simplistic answers, easy solutions, five-step formulas, and “pull up your bootstraps” triumphalism, don’t buy Glorious Ruin.
Pastor’s ‘Hate Speech’ conviction overturned in Canadian Appeals Court
Court upholds right to express religious views on homosexuality
Boissoin’s lawyer…pointed out that not only did Justice O’Brien throw out the AHRC’s decision, but ruled that a human rights panel had no constitutional authority to preside in such circumstances.
An Interview with author of “When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography”
I can’t emphasize this enough; a husband’s use of pornography is not about the wife
This book isn’t about the husband as much as it’s about the wife’s heart. I address six themes in the book: hope, surrender, trust, identity, brokenness, and forgiveness. I’ve reiterated this, because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that this is a manual for fixing your husband. It most definitely is not. But………
Alone: the Solas of the Reformation
Theme for the 2012 Quakertown Regional Conference on Reformed Theology
Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Quakertown, PA will host its fifth annual conference as a partnered event with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on Nov. 9-10, 2012.
PCUSA General Assembly Judicial Commission to hear three major cases
Larson v. Presbytery of Los Ranchos; Tom v. Presbytery of San Francisco; PCUSA v. Rev. Laurie McNeill
1. May a presbytery pass a resolution concerning the manner of life for its teaching elders as part of the proper exercise of the presbytery's authority. 2. Does a Presbytery have the right to dismiss a church with its property, in that the property is held 'in trust' for the denomination? 3. May a pastor participate in a same-sex marriage ceremony?
Why the Dinesh D’Souza Scandal Hit Home
There's more at stake in our leaders' failings than we think.
No, the secular world is frothing at the mouth at having yet one more example of hypocrisy from within the traditional marriage/family values crowd. For just one prominent fallen Christian can make secularism’s point far more effectively than can all the arguments of the New Atheists and marriage equality activists combined.
Where Are All the Heroes? The Refreshing Moral Vision of Lord of the Rings
Tolkien offers us a compelling vision for the importance of moral examples in the Christian life
Tolkien explained that one of the reasons for writing Lord of the Rings was “the elucidation of truth and the encouragement of good morals in this real world, by the ancient device of exemplifying them in unfamiliar embodiments, that may tend to ‘bring them home.’” Ralph Wood, author of The Gospel According to Tolkien, tells... Continue Reading
Matthew Henry
Matthew Henry was a man delighted and governed by the Word of God
During this period, Matthew also began to publish, beginning with polemical pamphlets and including a selection of psalms and hymns. His first major work was his father’s biography, published in 1697 (Philip died in 1696). On 12 November 1704, Matthew started work on his written exposition of the Old Testament (completed on 18 July 1712,... Continue Reading
Rowan Williams in One Final Push for Women Bishops in Church of England
The Anglican assembly won't be able to deal with this issue again for another decade or so if not decided now
Although women can serve as deacons and priests in Anglican churches, they are still fighting for ordination into the highest echelons of the clergy. Many from the more liberal side of the Communion have insisted that the law should change to allow women to be ordained as bishops, but conservatives maintain that Christ’s disciples were... Continue Reading
Of Babies and Beans? A Frightening Denial of Human Dignity
The logic of the Culture of Death is an assault on the dignity and worth of every human being
Our total worldview inevitably “informs us in everything we do.” Paul Ryan was simply responding with honesty, and he did not call for a theocracy. Interestingly, Joseph Biden, though a champion of a woman’s right to choose, has repeatedly claimed the influence of his Roman Catholic faith in other arenas of public policy, especially economics.... Continue Reading