Controversy follows Charismatic Calvinist group
Three unnamed female plaintiffs claim that Sovereign Grace Ministries did not report abuse allegedly committed by church members
Sovereign Grace Ministries, which recently moved from Maryland to Kentucky to rebuild a fractured network and strengthen ties with Southern Seminary, is now in the news for allegedly covering up allegations of child sexual abuse committed by church members. A controversial church-planting network with ties to a Southern Baptist Convention seminary has been... Continue Reading
Answering Skeptics Without a Word
Ministries aimed at life change---especially mercy ministries---put flesh and blood on the arguments of able Christian apologists
As the Word teaches us, the Spirit distributes different gifts in the church. Some Christians may be called and equipped to defend the faith publicly. Others, however, demonstrate that faith through a variety of ministries aimed at those in physical need. The late Christopher Hitchens was fond of saying that “religion poisons everything,”... Continue Reading
New Survey Explores How Religious Change Will Influence the 2012 Election and Beyond
Report details how Catholic and unaffiliated Americans are responding to presidential candidates and key campaign issues such as taxes and entitlement programs
Religiously unaffiliated Americans are the fastest growing group in the country’s religious landscape, having more than doubled in size since 1990. Today, nearly 1-in-5 (19 percent) Americans self-identify as religiously unaffiliated. But while religiously unaffiliated Americans are more likely to support Obama over Romney (73 percent vs. 22 percent), they are less likely to say... Continue Reading
An Atheist Evolutionist Asks a Good Question of Dr. Peter Enns
If we can’t trust Genesis to be historical fact, then how can we trust that the Gospels are either?
For a long time now BioLogos has ignored its initial mission of trying to convert evangelical Christians to evolution. It didn’t work—as I predicted—because those Christians know that if you buy Darwinian evolution, then you have to see much of the Bible as either fictional or at best metaphorical. And if you do that, then... Continue Reading
A Cloud the Size of Man’s Hand
The Dinesh D'Souza incident is surely a clarion call for all of us to examine ourselves
As soon as your group, whether it be a conference or a coalition or a college, starts to be influenced in its choice of ‘leader’ or keynote speaker by the chosen one’s ability to command serious media attention or simply fill that stadium, you have Corinthian Christianity and you are heading for disaster. ... Continue Reading
50 Women You Should Know
Key leaders were asked which Christian women are most profoundly shaping the evangelical church and North American society
To create this list, we asked dozens of evangelical leaders to identify Christian women in North America whom evangelicals (both men and women) admire and who are shaping the life of the church and culture in significant ways. We tabulated the results, and ended up with 50 that clearly stood out. Christian women... Continue Reading
No Apologies Needed
Politics is part of our teaching assignment as Christians
I don’t want my local church to look anything like a political party headquarters. I don’t think my church should typically end up endorsing specific candidates. But with the radical secularization of our culture, it seems increasingly right for our churches—as part of their teaching ministry—to engage in explicit instruction of their people. ... Continue Reading
Western Anglicanism Wanes in the 21st Century as the Global South Explodes with New Converts
Western Anglicanism is slowly but surely dying while growing in the Global South
Theological revisionism, moral relativism, a lack of confidence in Holy Scripture and a failure of nerve to proclaim the Good News of God’s salvation in obedience to the Great Commission, has resulted in increasingly smaller and aging congregations living out their final years murmuring the creed and going through the Prayer Book with as much... Continue Reading
God Does Not Believe in Miracles
A discussion between two pastors on the meaning of miracles
We believe in miracles because we know that miracles don’t come from us. We believe in God because we know that God does not originate with us. But God does not believe in the existence of God as we do because He knows that He exists. Similarly, God does not believe that miracles happen as... Continue Reading
Billy Graham, John Piper Call on Christians to Vote
Other Christian leaders who have called on Christians to vote biblical values include Greg Laurie, Max Lucado, and Franklin Graham
“The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last,” said evangelist Billy Graham in an emailed message Thursday. “I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions... Continue Reading