Two Rival Religions? Christianity and Post-Christianity
Machen was right then, and he is right now. The real struggle is between Christianity and Post-Christianity.
The priests and priestesses of secular liberalism constitute its “sacerdotal elite” and tend to be intellectuals who can present liberal values in the public square. Congregations where secular liberals gather include organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the National Organization of Women, and similar bodies. These groups “help supply a sense of affiliation and commonality for the religiously liberal.”
The Culture’s the Thing!
Paul himself makes clear, the gospel - the true gospel - can be peddled for power and for profit
It is, after all, easy to prostitute yourself to the prosperity gospel when your own prophecies of material wealth are effectively underwritten by the desperate dreams of the poor and destitute which you yourself have helped to create and upon which you prey with a depraved and insatiable hunger.
Collision at Crossroads
Milwaukee has no room for an evangelical congregation, and under Harrison’s influence, the vibrant and energetic Crossroads church was becoming exactly that
Throughout the ordeal, no formal charges were filed against the Crossroads trio, no opportunities to face accusers, no chance to offer a rebuttal or cross examine witnesses, no presentation of evidence, no due process. Milwaukee’s administrative commission simply barreled into Crossroads, declared itself to be prosecutor, jury and judge, and left the rule of law in shambles.
Muslim-American “Interfaith” Group Calls for Blasphemy Laws
Anti-Semitism is at the core of UMCF’s drive to forge a Muslim-Christian coalition
The UMCF press release claims that the film is part of a conspiracy involving “media terrorism” to cause war between Muslims and Christians and its content should not be protected as free speech. It quotes an unidentified citizen as saying it is “barbarous treason." "Therefore we demand immediate action by the appropriate government agencies to stop this film and bring its perpetrators to justice for this malicious hate speech,” it says.
Liberty Hill
In church, remember that it's Sunday, but Tuesday's coming
Apart from Christ, we use our liberty to do all those things, and government grows. Each fatherless child: more social workers and welfare payments. Each theft: more police. And so on. The most important step pastors can take to shrink the size of government is not to give political sermons but to preach Christ crucified and risen.
Ten Things Pastors Don’t Like About Pastoring
"Let me know if you come across a pastor that actually likes church business meetings. I want to find the secret to his moments of delusion."
"One guy was ripping into me at our last business meeting. But he didn't bother me as much as my so-called supporters who remained silent the whole time. They've told me that they are behind me, but they weren't there for me when I needed them the most."
The Unfaithful Spouse: Should I Divorce or Try to Reconcile?
Vengeance usually hurts the vigilante more than the intended target.
“Is he a bad man who did a bad thing or is he a good man who did a bad thing?” She enquired as to why I would ask that question. I explained that good people sometimes do bad things, but that if they are at heart still good people, they may be worth rescuing. Good people who regret bad behavior and want to make things right tend to be better people than they were before their indiscretion
First systematic political theology from an Orthodox Christian perspective
The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy by Aristotle Papanikolaou
The first comprehensive treatment from an Orthodox theological perspective of the issue of the compatibility between Orthodoxy and liberal democracy, Papanikolaou’s is an affirmation that Orthodox support for liberal forms of democracy is justified within the framework of Orthodox understandings of God and the human person
Princeton Theological Seminary Names New President
Craig Barnes, Pastor of Shadyside PC in Pittsburgh, unanimous choice of Trustees
“He is an exquisitely trained scholar, an eloquent proclaimer of the Gospel, a thoughtful analyst of culture, and a graceful and prolific author,” said John Buchanan, editor of the Christian Century . “His election as the next president of Princeton Seminary is very good news.”
PCA’S Pacific Northwest Presbytery Overtures General Assembly to Revise Docket Format
Seeks placement of all 'important' items at the same time
This overture was filed as early as possible to give the GA Administrative Committee and the Cooperative Ministries Committee opportunity to review and comment, if they wished. After receiving feedback, our Presbytery is willing to consider revising and resubmitting prior to the 2013 overtures deadline.