Four Carnival Mirrors of Ministry
Mirrors of Knowledge, Experience, Success, and Celebrity
Pastor, do you examine yourself daily by humbly placing yourself before the one mirror you can trust, the mirror of the Word of God? Or have you fallen into the habit of looking into carnival mirrors that will only ever give you a misshapen view of your spiritual journey?
Don’t Believe In Church Growth? Get Over It!
In their attempt to focus on being missional, (some churches) forget they need to balance it with also being attractional.
Unfortunately, many moderate to progressive congregations are like a disaster response effort that has outrun its supply lines. The reality is that they must believe in church growth or eventually die.
Christian TV ready for Messiah’s arrival in Jerusalem
Daystar, TBN have their offices set up on a holy city hill, poised for Jesus, and are spreading the gospel to Jews in Israel.
Christian broadcasters have donated tens of millions of dollars in recent years to build Israeli schools, community centers, hospital wards and even synagogues. Part of the support is based upon their belief that the return of the Jewish people to Israel will usher in the second coming of Jesus.
Questions That Bother Me So (not the same ones Buffett asks)
Question to the Fathers: About Which Church; Question to the PCA: About Homosexual Attraction
I have never been a fan of Steve Brown, but one day, while driving and scanning for radio stations, I heard an interview with him in which he said something to this effect: "The church ought to be the best place for person who is homosexual and Christian to ‘come out.’ But, of course, it’s not.” I remember thinking that he was exactly right. In my view the PCA has a long way to go before it can provide the kind of pastoral ministry needed by those who struggle with the big sins, which are defined among us almost exclusively as sexual ones
“Fierce Women”: A review
God has given us an intimate picture of the gospel in the marriage relationship.
When a woman is destructively fierce, Wagner explains how that can affect her husband in two different ways. A normally confident man can become very intimidated by his wife, and cower in passivity. This scenario is more common in the church than we would probably like to admit.
Mounting Opposition to CRPD
Conservative lawmakers vow to block an international disabilities treaty that could affect U.S. sovereignty, homeschooling, and the promotion of abortion
Opponents argue the treaty would strip parents of the right to decide what’s in the best interest of their children, including the choice to educate them at home. Home School Legal Defense Association founder Michael Farris told me the treaty gives homeschoolers serious reason to be concerned: “We’re giving away the sovereignty of the family, as well as giving away the sovereignty of America.” The Vatican has already refused to sign the treaty on the grounds that it may be used to promote abortion.
The Problem with “Awkward Couples of Liberty University”
And other postmodern instruments of public shame.
I’m not pining for a return to the pillory, mind you. But at least with that instrument of shame, the personhood upon whom the public gaze was cast—flesh and blood, not an image, subject, not object—was manifest. In the age of the virtual, postmodern pillory, we need to consider when the images we circulate freely are images of the image of God, and treat them accordingly.
What Motivates the Opponents of the Christian Right?
New Book Looks at Liberal Side of the Culture War
A lot of them brought up homophobia. We didn't ask about it, but they brought it up on their own. Some of them brought up fears of a theocracy in our society. So, you put those two together, the fear of cultural progressives is that the Christian Right will take over our society and outlaw homosexuality and turn us back to the Dark Ages. And, this is by their own words.
Getting to Know Him
Catechesis at its best is a very personal 'school of faith.'
Catechesis begins by recognizing that the Christian life is as much about union with Christ as receiving the benefits of his saving work. It's about 'getting saved,' yes, but also growing in him.
A Barrier To Honesty
Why I Can't Stand 'Accountability Groups'
Listen carefully: Christianity is not first and foremost about our behavior, our obedience, our response, and our daily victory over sin—as important as all these are. It is not first and foremost about us at all–it is first and foremost about Jesus! One of the chief vehicles for dishonesty in my own life has... Continue Reading