Report of the Summer Meetings of the Fellowship of Presbyterians and ECO
Beyond ‘leaving,’ this ‘new’ way of being and doing church is radically ‘old’
None of these hopes are unique to the FOP and ECO. All of these hopes exist in the current PCUSA and are openly expressed at other events like NEXT church, a similar in-gathering of Presbyterians who are theologically progressive. What radically differentiates the FOP and ECO from other efforts is the culture they are seeking... Continue Reading
Understanding the ‘Federal Vision’
The doctrine of justification is indeed, as John Calvin wrote, “the hinge on which religion turns.”
It is interesting that so many of the men who promote the Federal Vision do so with the express intent of addressing the problem of assurance. The contention of these Federal Vision writers is that many Reformed and Presbyterian church members suffer from a lack of assurance that stems from morbidly introspective self-examination. The reason, say the Federal Vision men, that some Christians engage routinely in such unproductive self-examination is that their view of the faith is overly subjective.
Holiness Is Not the Same as Forced Solemnity
Holiness is not a temperament. It is not a forced seriousness nor a feigned religiosity.
When I was in college I struggled a lot with being holy and being funny. Now, those who know me best may wonder if I’m particularly adroit with either virtue. But stick with me for a minute.
How Often Can Lightning Strike?
A lightning strike in the Bible may be a symbol of divine judgement
And last week’s lightning at York, as the Church of England continued to debate the ordination of female bishops, will do the same. We actually don’t need a bolt of lightning to tell us that such debates within the Church are debates about the nature of God and the status of the Bible.
The Hymns That Haunt Us
A newborn atheist just can't get the church's music out of her head.
Clement believed that music could build (or destroy) character. The pagans of his day sang at banquets and at domestic dinner tables. In the years before "church music" was invented, music had a place in the Christian home—as a way to welcome guests, to unite husband and wife in the same melodies, and to improve the character of the whole household.
The Craft of Life-Changing Preaching
It is important to understand the two essential parts of effective preaching and how each requires its own discipline of preparation.
Everywhere I was called on to preach weekly, I prepared content three or four weeks ahead of time. This allowed truths to marinate in my own heart and become more deeply and practically understood. On the week of the sermon, I preached it aloud to myself many times. In doing so both my understanding of the passage and the creative ways it would be communicated deepened and developed.
Four Responses to the Challenge of Same-Sex Unions
We are facing a true moral inversion — a system of moral understandings turned upside down
The easiest way to summarize the Bible’s teaching on sexuality is to begin with God’s blessing of sex only within the marriage covenant between a man and a woman. Then, just remember that sex outside of that covenant relationship, whatever its form or expression, is explicitly forbidden
Young Bucks
How Giving to the Church is Changing, or, N.T. Wright Has His Hand in the Plate
Millennials are King David’s anti-type---they don’t own a house and can’t quite see why they should help God to have one, either.
Sex, Lies & Television
Lawsuits involving the world’s largest Christian broadcasting network may hang by a flash drive
Jonathan Rovetto, who lost his job for sticking up for Brittany Koper on Facebook, has made up his mind: He said Koper "had nothing to gain and everything to lose." Others are waiting to see what the courts decide, mindful of what both the Bible and Charles Dickens teach: Most parties tend to lose money, reputation, or both during protracted legal battles.
The Weekly Meeting of a Rotary Club on Sunday Morning
With a moralistic lecture on being friends.
The title was "No Greater Love;" the text was John 15:12-17: I looked forward to the message: "Thank you, Lord," I silently prayed, "We will hear the gospel today."