Former “Christian Century” Editor James Wall and Palestinian Terror
The Palestinians who were sent to jail…saw themselves as resisting an occupying army
The Israeli mother of one of the 15 murdered victims who died in the infamous Jerusalem Sbarro 2001 restaurant bombing is denouncing former longtime Christian Century editor James Wall for defending her daughter’s Palestinian murderer.
Civil unions and true marriage
Government has a duty to protect the civil institution of marriage.
What we are saying is that true marriage must survive for America to survive. We are saying preserve Americans’ civil right of marriage if we want America to climb back from the abyss of economic decline and social decay
In the U.S., Christians victims of rising ‘hostility’ from gov’t and secular groups, report says
"It's way beyond anything we had imagined. It's so much more prolific than it's ever been before."
According to Shackelford, the hostility can lead to violence, as in the case of the Aug.15 shooting at the Family Research Council headquarters, in which a gunman allegedly said he disagreed with the group's beliefs before shooting an employee in the arm. He also cited the Aug. 5 shooting deaths of six people at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee.
Grace Breaks Through Our Spiritual ‘Awkwardness’ to Give New Life
Awkward, Gawky, Gauche, Adroit, Dexterous, Maladroit, Sinister, Ambidextrous, all showing our need for grace.
Jesus changes everything. At that last great day – “he will wipe every tear from their eyes.There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4). And awkwardness will be no more. A friend and I attended a Brewers baseball... Continue Reading
Scholar Sacked by Liberal Book Banner
Liberal seminary professor who can’t handle the truth instrumental is having a colleague fired.
Could it be that Hopkins is an evangelical who earned a degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and who holds a very different view of Scripture than that of Aymer and her phalanx of liberationist, womanist, feminist activists that has obtained faculty dominance at ITC? The Rev. Margaret Aymer, a high profile Presbyterian Church... Continue Reading
Confused by Complementarianism? You probably should be.
Should complementarianism in itself be an issue in organizations whose stated purpose is basic co-operation for the propagation of the gospel?
I am simply not sure why complementarianism is such a big issue in organizations whose stated purpose is basic co-operation for the propagation of the gospel and where other matters of more historic, theological and ecclesiastical moment are routinely set aside. If you want simply to unite around the gospel, then why not simply unite... Continue Reading
Brethren, We Are Not Scholars
Ministerial myths: The minister as scholar
Who am I to think my translation could ever be better than that of teams of scholars who have given us the translations? I am to judge matters of vocabulary and grammar for myself? Who am I to think I might do better exegesis than the best of past and present Old Testament and New... Continue Reading
GOP Platform Committee Reins in Gay Military
"We support rights of conscience and religious freedom for military chaplains and people of faith.”
“Every American, especially those who wear the uniform, should be allowed the religious liberties given by God and protected by our Constitution. We want to see dignity restored to our military personnel and no longer see the military used to promote social agendas. We hope the Democratic Party Platform Committee will take similar actions.” ... Continue Reading
Why I Cannot Vote for Mitt Romney – A Response to James Jordan
The continuing debate on Christians voting for a Mormon candidate.
While it is true that many Christians have avoided altogether any discussion over Romney’s profession of faith in a false god, yet the objections to Romney, as a Mormon, are overturned or dismissed via a historical answer that has been used before in past candidates; namely that Obama is much worse. No doubt this statement... Continue Reading
Ten Things About Church You Should Know
(But No One Had the Guts to Tell You)
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is one of Charles Wesley’s most famous hymns. The punctuation is critical. The herald angels sang “Hark!”–as in “behold” or “listen up”–when they approached the shepherds keeping watch o’er their flocks by night. They were not singing, “Hark the Herald!” The Christmas story would be less glorious with the angels singing about themselves.