A message to WORLD readers on the David Barton controversy
“Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?” - Milton
The most popular American history book at colleges, Howard Zinn’s leftist A People’s History of the United States, is full of inaccuracies, and folks on the left don’t seem to mind because they need fables to increase their faith.
The Church of England: This Could Be Its Finest Hour
Imposed same sex marriage would precipitate the "gradual unravelling of the Church of England which is a very high cost for the stability of society."
The church, which is legally bound to conduct marriages to all British citizens and currently conducts one quarter of all Britain's marriages, wondered how its beliefs long could survive, even with ostensible protections for religious freedom. It also asked why the government would continue to allow civil partnerships for same sex couples after legalizing same sex marriage. And it asked how the new law would define adultery and consummation.
My friend, do you ever marvel at the goodness and grace of the Lord toward you?
And the answer to it all is, the grace of a loving and faithful God revealed in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - what Matthew Henry called, "God's free favour and all the blessed fruits of it."
A Christian Response to “Gay” Marriage
To separate the health issue from the moral issue is nonsense. The very reason God says it is immoral is because it is unhealthy!
I am bothered by it not because I’m old fashioned or because I am a busy body telling other people how to live. I’m bothered by it because this is not just a matter of what they think and even what you think or I think. I am bothered by it because there is a third party in this matter and that third party is God the Maker of Heaven and Earth…and He does not consider it acceptable! I care what He thinks!
Family Research Council Points to Southern Poverty Law Center in Sparking Shooter’s Reaction
The gunman was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches when he was arrested.
The head of the Family Research Council on Thursday suggested the Southern Poverty Law Center sparked hatred that led accused gunman Floyd Lee Corkins II to shoot a security guard at the conservative Christian lobbying group’s headquarters.
Into exile: What happens to a professor who does everything right but has wrong ideas?
Woodberry quotes an 1888 missionary conference's declaration that the opium trade is "a standing reproach to Christianity"
The University of Texas denied Woodberry tenure. He then applied to 108 other schools. No U.S. institution offered him tenure. One Christian college interviewed him and made a tentative offer, but it did not make a formal offer. No other school invited him for an in-person interview or made him a job offer.
How is that “Catholic” exactly?
For, when all is said and done, that is what 'catholic' means: According to the whole - the whole Faith and the Universal Church.
But, the confusion that led to the sad spectacle of Anglicans "aspiring" to something they already possessed is a danger that still lurks beneath the surface. And, so it will until we have a firm and confident grasp of genuine theology, and can properly understand the Gospel and the Church
Obamacare Begins Child Sterilization, Without Parental Consent
Scandalous provision quietly takes effect in Oregon.
So you need parental consent to contract a state-sanctioned marriage under the age of 18 in the U.S., but you, all by yourself, can give full consent to the irreversibility of sterilization at 15? Chances are, you do not even know your future spouse, yet you're already determining his or her fate as well?
Paul Ryan’s Catholicism and the Poor
Acts coerced by government, no matter how beneficial or well-intentioned, cannot be moral.
The bishops dance with the devil when they invite government to use its coercive power on their behalf, and there's no clearer example than the Affordable Care Act. They happily joined their moral authority to the government's legal authority by supporting mandatory health insurance. They should not have been surprised when the government used its reinforced power to require Catholic institutions to pay for insurance plans that cover abortions and birth control.
Where is the Evangelical Protestant counterpart to Catholic Charities?
My early experiences with Protestant churches: There was no passion for the care of the poor.
Let's get the government out of this work, and let's somehow regain the Biblical principles of mercy ministry and let the 250 million evangelical Christians…get our collective acts together and reclaim our rightful responsibilities in mercy ministries.