The Problem with ‘Incarnational Ministry’
What if our mission is not to 'be Jesus' to other cultures, but to join with the Holy Spirit?
It’s important to offer a ministry of presence to those in need. But when the gospel is reduced to identifying with others, the uniqueness of Christ’s incarnation becomes an afterthought. In recent decades, scores of books, manuals, and websites advocating “incarnational ministry” have encouraged Christians to move beyond ministry at a distance and... Continue Reading
4 Disturbing Trends in the Contemporary Church
Disturbing trends that need to be checked and reformed in contemporary church life
Only as we turn our ears away from the false promises of this passing age to God’s Word, to His saving revelation in Christ as the only gospel, and to the glory of the triune God as our only goal, can we expect to see a genuine revival of Christian discipleship, worship, and mission in... Continue Reading
End Circumcision, Norway Official Suggests
Children's rights watchdog suggests symbolic option
Ervin Kohn, president of The Jewish Community of Oslo, said that Norwegian Jews “will not be able to live in a society where circumcision is forbidden.” Norway’s ombudsman for children’s rights has proposed that Jews and Muslim replace male circumcision with a symbolic, nonsurgical ritual. Dr. Anne Lindboe told the newspaper Vart Land last month... Continue Reading
Bill Hybels Shares Succession Plans at Leadership Summit
Hybels and his church elders are formally engaged in a succession process
Hybels described four different phases of succession that were planned for Willow Creek and said the first phase that was the planning phase, which took about a year, had already been completed. Willow Creek Community Church Pastor Bill Hybels, speaking during the opening session of a global leadership summit, took the occasion on Thursday to... Continue Reading
ARCHIVE: Why Evangelicals Should Pay Attention to Congressman Paul Ryan and the Battle over the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church
These concerns are genuine, and Evangelicals who are conservative politically should resist the temptation to take Ryan's side just because he is a conservative Republican. One should always be suspicious of politicians when they claim theological authority for their actions. Nevertheless, I cannot help but think that it is a good thing that Ryan is highlighting principles like subsidiarity, and the preference for the poor, and introducing them to the national dialogue.
Seminaries versus Local Churches
Where should seminary students primarly receive their spiritual formation?
Editor's Note: On Friday morning (Aug 10) we published a blog article by Carl Trueman on Seminaries and Spiritual Formation. During the day the Ref21 blog lit up with response from Sean Lucas, a brief rejoinder from Carl, a restatement by Sean, and final thoughts(?) by Carl. Since it appears to have ended, we are combining the last four posts together for your convenience.
Conservative Calvinist Mars Hill Church Claiming Methodist Sanctuary
The domed neo-classical 1906 sanctuary, which seats 1300, was once one of Methodism’s premier congregations
That Driscoll’s brand of robust Calvinism is thriving in Seattle, among other areas in the Pacific Northwest, seemingly defies claims by liberals in United Methodism and elsewhere that theological orthodoxy will not appeal in culturally liberal cities
Update on The David Barton Controversy
Christian critics challenge WallBuilders president on America’s founders
A full-scale, newly published critique of Barton is coming from Professors Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter of Grove City College, a largely conservative Christian school in Pennsylvania. Their book Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President (Salem Grove Press), argues that Barton “is guilty of taking statements and actions out of context and simplifying historical circumstances.”
Keeping the Faith on Campus
Students at secular schools face challenges that can invigorate or smother their faith
"When students enter college, all of their social-based support for that internalized faith is gone, leaving them to test its structural integrity…That spiritual scaffolding is taken away. The question is, is it strong enough to stand on its own?"
State Department Purges Religious Freedom Section from Its Human Rights Reports
"The administration has paid very little attention to the religion-state issues"
The…report is notably missing some important information--the two-year old report contains no mention of the violence, murder and mayhem directed at Christians and other minorities in Muslim nations in Africa and the Middle East since the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011.