No One Is More Tolerant Than God
In other words, God tolerates a world of bad ideas (among other things)
This means that if God will trump worldly wisdom, he must forbear its existence. God tolerates man’s wisdom to show his foolishness is wiser; God tolerates man’s strength to show his weakness is stronger. Gay rights activists across the country plan to descend upon Chick-fil-A this evening in response to Wednesday’s “Appreciation Day.” Here will... Continue Reading
Indiana Supreme Court rules no ‘express’ trust in church property case
Case remanded to trial court
The Indiana Supreme Court remanded the case of a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation against its presbytery and synod back to a trial court and established Indiana as a “neutral principles of law” state. In the case of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley and the Synod of Lincoln Trails of the Presbyterian Church (USA) vs. Olivet... Continue Reading
Two Big Distractions for Pastors
Almost every pastor in our survey named one or both of these issues as a distraction.
They told us in overwhelming numbers that dealing with critics was a huge distraction. To a lesser extent, but still significant, the pastors said conflict among staff and key leaders was a significant distraction as well. The early church, according to Acts 6, was experiencing phenomenal growth. The author, Luke, simply says, “the number of... Continue Reading
Lifeway and ‘The Blind Side’: Another Side to the Story
Consumers want great stories without the words that offend their deeply held religious beliefs.
It seems that Hollywood can’t help itself. Instead of trusting in the power of a good story, it turns again and again to gratuitous profanity – even when that’s exactly what the audience doesn’t want. A few weeks ago, I told you that, in my opinion, Lifeway bookstores made a big mistake when it removed... Continue Reading
Does American Christianity Need Saving?
Whether or not U.S. Christianity is declining, one must wonder what kind of Christianity does not focus on perpetuating itself around the world.
A survey conducted by Trinity College (CT) in 2008 found that, since 2001, the mainline has fallen in membership the fastest while non-denominational churches have been “trending upward.” “Fewer than 200,000 people favored this term in 1990 but in 2008 it accounts for over eight million Americans,” the survey reports. New York Times columnist Ross... Continue Reading
Of Chickens, Christ, Law and Gospel
Do we expect the world will be friendlier to the gospel than it is to the law?
The truth is, whether we lead with gospel or law, we are going to be offensive. The gospel is more offensive than the law because it hits humans at the point of pride. “Do this and live” stokes pride. “You can’t do it no matter how hard you try” slaps pride down. Too much has... Continue Reading
What I Overheard at the Barbershop
You need to know that your politics don’t even register on Jesus’ scale, and that is a good thing.
Friends, we easily get so wrapped up in the wrong things. And I believe that if we were to dig deeply into our own hearts we would discover that we are not protecting the gospel in our politics, but ourselves. Let’s be honest. Our relationships and life experiences shape much of who we are and... Continue Reading
Gay Marriage: Killing the Democracy of the Dead
There’s something to be said about multiple millennia of consensus belief
Whether a society or people are religious or not, the most fundamental basis of society and peoples—literally since the dawn of humanity—has been marriage between a man and a woman. That bond is the cornerstone. To suddenly sever that bond is not only a radical rupture, but remarkably arrogant; it assumes that our current generation... Continue Reading
Family Wants to Prevent Breakup of Polish Siblings
Couple with seven children ready to adopt three siblings from Poland to keep them from being separated into different foster homes
At the top of the news feed, a friend’s post caught his attention and would not let go. It linked to a Children’s House International story about three Polish siblings, two girls and a boy ages 6 to 12, on the verge of being separated into different foster homes in just two weeks. An Angels... Continue Reading
Amending the PCA BCO Touching on Intinction?
Should PCA BCO 58-5 be amended to administer and take the elements of the Lord’s Supper separately?
Presbyteries will be voting on whether to amend BCO 58-5 by adding this sentence: “As Christ has instituted the Lord’s Supper in two sacramental actions, the communicants are to eat the bread and drink the cup in separate actions.” Summer is winding down and soon our Presbyterian Church in America Presbyteries will consider a proposed... Continue Reading