The Confessions Matter (or Maybe They Don’t)
The history of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a confessional one; its the future will not be
The history of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a confessional one. Based on the action of the commissioners of the 220th GA, the future will not be. Just as the body cannot survive long severed from its head, it is impossible for a denomination to bear a unified witness having cut itself loose from... Continue Reading
When Pastors Panic
The pastor’s panic wasn’t about possibly dying, but over his circumstances
I sent this email out after the struggles of the weekend. God had allowed me to have the cardiac catheterization on Monday. By now I knew I’d need the bypass surgery. God had prepared me. He had shored up my faith, against my own fear and against the attacks of the devil. On Tuesday, May... Continue Reading
Getting Jefferson Right
Fact checking claims about Thomas Jefferson
Although this Q&A may seem controversial in that many of our readers have followed David Barton’s work, such as “The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson,” our professors have carefully researched Jefferson and uncovered historical information that is relevant to the discussion about Mr. Barton’s claims regarding Jefferson. V&V: Why... Continue Reading
Race and the Gospel in Mississippi
We have danced with the devil and we ought to recognize him when he returns
I think they can deal with it by doing exactly what the Apostle Paul did with Peter: to confront on the basis of the gospel, and to seek repentance and reconciliation. That’s what I think they should do, and will do.
Thinking Out Loud in Public
In some ways, blogging is a form of thinking out loud in public.
And maybe we need to remember these words of wisdom: "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways" (James 3:1-2)
‘The most accessible commentary to the average Bible reader today’
A Review of Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence, by Allan Harman, Christian Focus (2012)
Harman brings out quite a few interesting tidbits that are not widely known. Henry worked on the the last half of the book of Ezra for his commentary in the middle of the night when his wife was in labor!! He also brings out the fact that Charles Wesley's hymn "A Charge to Keep I Have" is based on Henry's comment on Leviticus 8:35.
New Bible translation has screenplay format
"The Voice" helps people to "fall in love with the story of the Bible."
"For example, 'John the Baptist' was really like 'John the Dunker,'" Hoffman said. John was doing something new by submerging people in water to cleanse them of their sins, but that is lost on people 2,000 years later, Hoffman said. Today, people hearing John's title might think it refers to a Baptist denomination rather than his then-strange behavior.
Billy Graham: ‘My Heart Aches for America’
New Letter Addresses Concern for Nation's Declining Morality
In a new prayer letter Billy Graham writes: "My heart aches for America and its deceived people. The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance."
Defining Religious Liberty Down
Say what you really think: that the exercise of our religion threatens all that’s good and decent
The words “freedom of belief” do not appear in the First Amendment. Nor do the words “freedom of worship.” Instead, the Bill of Rights guarantees Americans something that its authors called “the free exercise” of religion.
Why we severed ties with the Southern Baptist Convention
One day we looked around and saw that the SBC had left those Baptist distinctives in the dust. A long time ago.
Despite our long-standing ties to the Southern Baptist Convention, Calvary has for some time been at odds with many of the policies and public positions of the SBC. There have been many specific issues, like a rejection of the ordination of women, for example, over which we disagreed. But increasingly these differences became more foundational.