Why I wear skirts all the time…
Four good reasons from the 'Modest Mom' blogger
I love femininity. I love modesty. I also love my fellow sisters in Christ. I might try to encourage you to wear skirts more, but I won’t throw you over board if you or your husband decide against it. Now if you walk around in skin tight jeans and cleavage hanging out? Well, we need to talk, maybe in another blog post….
Contemporary worship not a fix-all
Some traditional churches are challenging the conventional wisdom that style is everything.
“The experience of worship should be different from anything else we do in our lives. A reliance on technology and digital visual imagery is so much a part of our culture, that a respite from it immediately feels different.” --C. Sorrells
How Obama Earned My Doctorate
I devised a plan to start a new business with just $1000 of initial investment
I simply failed to reconcile the discrepancies between my theoretical view of the world and my real world experiences. Eventually, I grew out of my childish socialist mindset and realized that capitalism had allowed me to utilize my God-given talents to earn a living government could never provide. Someday, Mr. President, you’ll grow out of it, too.
Why the Filioque controversy still matters
Especially to believing, confessing Presbyterians!
So we see that the Filioque has been debated and considered by various Western factions of the Church for centuries, but it has never been approved for general use by any Ecumenical body or conference.
Eternity Amnesia and Its Effect on Ministry
We are in trouble when we fail to recognize that future grace carries with it the promise of present grace.
Have you forgotten who you are, where you now live, and the destination that is yours by grace? Could it be that there are times when you live and minister as if there is no such thing as forever? Since God's grace guarantees your final destination, it also must guarantee you all the grace you need along the way.
We Gather Together
A review of Children in Church by Curt and Sandra Lovelace
"If a child feels privileged to go, understands what is being done, and knows how to behave. . .he or she will be hooked on high culture [corporate worship] for life.” --Miss Manners
Christian Movie Critic: Aurora Massacre Is Simply ‘Evil’ at Work
It is the fact that people are stewing in the juice of their own wickedness
If you ban the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ from society, including the education system, you’re not banning God; you’re banning goodness, justice, truth, peace, kindness, joy, gentleness, self-control, and love.
Declaration on the Special Creation of Adam and Eve
Adopted by the Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Statesboro, Georgia
According to information available to The Aquila Report, this is the fourth Session to adopt this, or similar, declaration on Special Creation. The other three are: Midway Presbyterian, Powder Springs, GA; Grace Presbyterian, Douglasville, GA; Trinity Presbyterian, Orangeburg, SC.
The National Council of Churches, the Vietnam War, and the Trials of the Protestant Left
A religious institution may be a sociological necessity, but it ultimately seeks its own perpetuation.
The NCC enjoyed better relations with the Clinton administration. It was able to muster some opposition to George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq, but it has never been able to organize a ground game approaching that of the religious right.
What’s on your menu?
Attempting to be a church that pleases everyone is not only impossible. It is antithetical to the gospel.
Healthy congregations recognize that attempting to be a church that pleases everyone is not only impossible, it is antithetical to the gospel of Christ. Jesus began his ministry in the rugged wilderness doing battle with multiple temptations to veer off the agenda God had placed before him. Resisting the lure of temporal and public success, he chose the narrow path of obedience and faithfulness.