Gay Is Not the New Black
There has always been, and, by necessity, will always be discrimination in marriage laws.
Perhaps the most damning aspect of the civil rights argument is logical unsustainability. If sexual orientation/identity is the basis for (1) classification as a minority group, and (2) legal grounds for the redefinition of marriage, then what's to stop the "bisexual" from fighting for the ability to marry a man and a woman simultaneously since his "orientation" is, by definition, directed toward both sexes? What about the member of NAMBLA whose orientation is toward young boys? Where do we stop, and on what basis?
Philip Ryken on Wheaton’s Contraception Mandate Lawsuit: ‘A Last Resort’
The college president explains why it's is suing, and why now.
I think most Americans have not considered seriously the religious liberty issue that’s at stake. So part of our interest in filing alongside a Roman Catholic institution is to help the American public see that this is a fundamental religious liberty issue and not, for example, merely an issue over contraception.
Northeast U.S. United Methodists Vow Pro-LGBT Defiance
Evangelicals Pledge Fidelity to Church
Despite the NEJ vote defying the church on sexual ethics, one of its three newly elected bishops is a graduate of Asbury Seminary and considered evangelical. Rev. Mark Webb of York, PA, was elected after a prolonged gridlock that culminated with 35 ballots.
Profile of an Abuser
Be careful who you leave your children with.
Because abusers prey on vulnerable people, victims often enable their abusers by making excuses for their behavior. If you're doing this, please break free from the deception and recognize that it is neither loving nor wise to allow yourself to remain in an abusive relationship. Insist on getting help whether your abuser is willing to or not.
Marital Submission and Syria’s First Lady: A Lesson for Christian Women
Asma al-Assad's inaction over her husband's unjust rule holds an important lesson for married Christians.
“[Bashar al-Assad] is the President of Syria, not a faction of Syrians, and the First Lady supports him in that role,” wrote Asma. “The First Lady’s very busy agenda is still focused on supporting the various charities she has long been involved with . . . [and] she listens to and comforts the families of the victims of the violence.”
10 Reasons We Have Not Reached the Unchurched
But my conclusions presume the God of creation is on His throne.
In the post-modern culture of 21st century America, Christians should know the criticisms of intolerance will come. The great concern is that many Christians are unwilling to take a narrow view because they do not want to be labeled as intolerant. But Jesus never waivered in His insistence that He is the only way to the one and only true God
The Dark Night in Denver — Groping for Answers
God restrains human sinfulness. If the fullness of human sin was set loose, humanity would destroy itself.
Human beings are capable of unspeakable moral evil. We are shocked by such atrocities, but only because we have some distance from the last one. We cannot afford to be shocked when humans commit grotesque moral evil. It tells us the truth about unbridled human sin.
A Word From The Associate Reformed Presbyterian’s Principal Clerk
General Synod 2012 by the numbers
It is notable that Synod in years past was in session from the Monday evening worship through Friday evening (or afternoon if we behaved ourselves), and never was there any need for a quorum call. Now we have more churches, more possible delegates, more ministers, more reports to deal with, and instead of four days of work, we have only two scheduled, and we cannot even commit to attend that.
J. I. Packer Talks Mortification: How to Put Sin to Death
Christians need to practice the discipline of praying to mortify sin.
"They are positive inclinations to active disobedience and they are also negative – that is, inclinations not to bother about moral and spiritual issues. That kind of inclination used to be called sloth, spiritual laziness."
Evangelical scientists debate evolution online with Southern Baptist seminary professors
“[T]here was never a time when the human population from which all modern humans descended was as small as two individuals.”
Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler, a young-earth creationist, has called the attempt to reconcile evangelicals to evolution a “direct attack upon biblical authority.”