RPCNA Synod Day Three
As Men Who Dream!
Each presbytery has seen growth in numbers as well as depth of love for the Lord Jesus Christ. It was reported that over 35% of our membership resides within congregations that were planted in the past 30 years. This shows a significant shift in membership in the last generation.
David Platt: What I Really Think About the ‘Sinner’s Prayer,’ Conversion, Mission, and Deception
My concerns are not about prayer or election, but about authentic conversion and regenerate church membership
Could it be that one of the reasons why so many people in our churches are not praying with zeal or giving their resources away or going with the gospel into their neighborhoods or the nations, could it be because they've not been born again? Born-again believers don't have to be cajoled to obey the Great Commission. Born-again believers are compelled to accomplish the Great Commission. And born again pastors are charged with leading them on that mission.
Sinner’s Prayer (Remarks on David Platt Controversy)
The Sinner's prayer can mislead some into thinking salvation is secured by a personal decision
Perhaps Platt’s having raised this issue from within his denominational ranks will lead many to read and study the issue more and not only substitute a more biblical and sound practice in their own pulpits and ministries, but that in doing so that the Sinner's prayer may in time be set aside just as the likes of things like the “Four Spiritual Laws”, etc.
The Adopting Act of 1729–Revisiting History
"Scruples" of certain portions of the Westminster Confession of Faith were allowed, but severely limited.
Much has been written over the past several years regarding the Adopting Act of 1729 and the idea of “scrupling.” A recent article by Frederick Heuser included a brief overview of the Adopting Act while pondering the various controversies and splits within our history as American Presbyterians. Dr. Jeffrey C. Francis, Sharp Chaplain of the... Continue Reading
“Biblical Education, for the World, For Free’
Published to help get this word out to potential students throughout the world
Can U.S residents watch the videos and take the quizzes and exams found on the CCM website? …Yes, U.S. residents may and are encouraged to view the CCM courses, download the readings and take the quizzes and exams for their own edification. This is also true for people who are not interested in academic credit... Continue Reading
Grown-ups prevail at the PCA General Assembly
Let the Baptists issue statements; we've subscribed to a confession.
The practical impotence of in thesi declarations is why I think them corrosive to the Church's well-being. Church officers are free to agree or disagree with them with whatever degree of openness they prefer; disagreement brings with it no automatic sanctions
Discerning Discernment?
What did the communicant know, and when did he know it?
What are the theological maturity qualifications for ‘joining the church’? I know the wrong answer. I know churches where you ‘join’ around high school graduation time, so you join and then leave town, maybe never to find your way back to church again.
Colorado Springs Wildfires Unite Christian Community
No casualties have been reported and no churches have been destroyed.
“The biggest need right now for the firefighters are eye drops and baby powder,” said Sullivan who just relocated to Colorado Springs. “But, we’ve got churches, schools and businesses opening their doors in various ways. Either as shelters, prayer centers or just a place to re-group with your family and friends.”
RPCNA Synod – Day Two
Behold How Very Good It is, A Pleasant Thing to See
Ironically, one area where the court was divided was the issue of whether to remove the standing committee called “Understanding the Times.” Historically, this committee has been used as a way for the Covenanters to call the church and nation to repentance and to provide prayerful insight into what the church would fast over, covenant over, and seek the face of Christ over…The court voted 62 to 61 to retain the Understanding the Times Committee
Evangelical Presbyterian Church issues statement on Preventive Care Mandate
Religious liberty means Americans are free to practice their chosen religion everywhere, all the time
Debate of the issue at the assembly acknowledged that the EPC does not take political positions but does issue statements related to theological and Biblical matters. Because life, religious liberty and the free exercise of the conscience are regarded as issues of significant importance, commissioners agreed overwhelmingly to issue the statement.