PCA’S Fellowship Presbytery Adopts Position on Adam and Eve
Action result of dealing with book written by Covenant Seminary professor, C. John Collins
Collins also said that he included perspectives that he doesn’t agree with and that presenting his own viewpoint wasn’t the book’s goal. “I describe views that I don’t hold and try to help people figure out boundaries.”
Veggie Tales, Moralism, and Modern Preaching
The gospel is the foundation for moral imperatives, the context for moral imperatives, and the backdrop for moral imperatives.
If we feel obligated to preach only Christ’s priestly office, then we must find a way to turn every text to this issue even when it may not naturally go there. Thus, we “find” Christ in the text in an unnatural way rather than a natural way. This ends up creating sermons that sound almost the same every time, regardless of what the passage actually says
In Celebration of the Memorial of Charles Spurgeon’s Birthday
Glimpses from the Life of Charles Spurgeon Concerning Parenting and Family Worship
Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Born June 19, 1834. Died January 31, 1892. Our objective is to distill some principles from his life that will help us in our homes. What can we learn from Spurgeon’s upbringing? What discoveries can be made as we consider how he and his wife Susannah brought up their children? Can we learn from how Spurgeon interacted with all children? Are there principles that we might employ that will bring sweetness to our own families? I believe that there are.
Are you going to Louisville? If so, we need some help.
The Aquila Report will be short one full time staff member at the PCA General Assembly
If you see or hear something that is newsworthy (e.g., not simply a rumor, no matter how hot it is) send an email and/or text to [email protected]. That would certainly be quicker and easier than trying to find Dominic Aquila at any given time!!
Are Father’s Day Events at Churches a Waste of Time?
39 percent of men have not attended church in the last six months, up 9% in decade
Many fathers, she says, are looking for something special to do on Father's Day, and are less likely to attend a normal church service. Having a special event, however, gives them a break from the routine and can be a great way to draw them in.
God Can Repair Broken Daddies: A Father’s Day Message
Your parents are not perfect. And you cannot use their sins to disguise your own
Father's Day is a day to remember that God made dads. And when they break, and they can and often do, only He can fix them.
Christian Reformed Church: Combat global warming by using less energy
Synod says 'Human-induced climate change is an ethical, social justice, and religious issue.'
By public announcements on climate change, the CRC can call human kind back to a stewardly and humble way of living before God’s face. By using fewer nonrenewable resources and living more simply we may help developing countries rather than hindering them.
Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly on Immigration Reform
Daly explains why he joined a coalition of evangelical leaders
"I think we're at a fork in the road in the culture now where God's heart for humanity needs to show through us. With the core sense of the culture—this 24/7 news cycle and the polarization—we cannot take the bait as the Christian community. We've got to be more mindful of God's character and how he expresses himself through us." --Jim Daly
How Your View of God Shapes Your View of the Economy
Economic perspectives are indelibly tied to religious cosmologies.
Perhaps it is the fervent individualism of American Christianity which makes free market capitalism seem like a Divine mandate. Because evangelicals assert that you alone are responsible for your eternal salvation, it makes sense that the individual is also responsible for his or her economic salvation without government assistance, especially if God is the only assistance you really need.
The Poor in Mind
The Shoveling of Resources to Those in Poverty is Worse than Useless
It's widely remarked that to be "poor" in America often means decent housing, at least one vehicle, a cell phone for everybody in the family over age 12, air conditioning, two TVs, and a pig heaven of high-carb snacks—wealth beyond the dreams of the average Haitian. Though often exaggerated, it's true enough to raise eyebrows when discussion turns to "The Other America."