Black and White and Red All Over: Why Racial Justice Is a Gospel Issue
Segregation, like slavery, was shown to be what all human consciences already knew it to be: not just a political injustice or a social inequity (although certainly that) but also a sin against God and neighbor and a repudiation of the gospel. Regenerate hearts ultimately melted before such arguments because in them they heard the voice of their Christ, a voice they’d heard in the Scriptures themselves.
Regional Synod in Northeast India breaks ties with PCUSA over homosexual clergy and same-sex marriage
The Presbyterian Church of India “traces its origin to the Welsh Presbyterian Church Mission and is concentrated mainly in the northeastern states. Insurgent underground groups have been active in all except one of the seven states in northeast India, and the church has an important role to play in promoting peace and harmony. Its primary mission focuses are evangelism and church development.”
Preview of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church General Assembly
Report from the State Clerk of the EPC
The Assembly will consider a constitutional amendment clarifying the process whereby a minister may serve beyond the age of 70. The Assembly will be asked to combine the Student Ministries and College Ministries Committees into a single ministry. The Assembly will welcome fraternal guests Reverend Seth Yi representing the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and Reverend Woody Markett representing the Presbyterian Church in America.
New website seeks to connect conservative Presbyterian pastors with Biblically-faithful congregations
“We will not stand alone. We covenant to work alongside each other and to labor alongside our fellow Christians who hold to the Biblical faith in our effort to confront fallen culture and equip struggling churches.
Dr. Ron Choong and Project Timothy: The Bible You Thought You Knew
While neither philosophy nor science leads to God, they are helpful tools to keeping a check on our prejudices and biases. We are wonderfully capable of convincing ourselves that our thoughts are true because we wish them to be so. If we are indeed committed to thinking things through, we need a safe place to do that thinking without fear of being denigrated or misrepresented. …
St. George’s Tron of Glasgow Quits Church of Scotland Over Gay Clergy
A KIRK congregation has become the first to split from the Church of Scotland over the issue of gay clergy. (Former pastors of this church include Eric Alexander and Sinclair Ferguson)
InterVarsity Press Pulls Reformation Textbook Over Inaccuracies
A review of the book by Westminster Seminary's Carl Trueman pointed out many inaccuracies, including dates, names, and omissions of key cultural factors.
OPC Concludes its 79th General Assembly
The OPC is known for having hearty discussion on the floor of its assemblies, and several commissioners noted this year that the expression of strong convictions can be maintained together with “the meekness of wisdom” (James 3:13) as the tenor of the debates can testify.
Only 15 Percent of Americans Believe in Godless Evolution, Says Gallup
Forty-six percent said they believe God created human beings pretty much in their present form within approximately the last 10,000 years. Thirty-two percent said human beings develop over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided the process.
Why the NAE Issued a Clergy Code of Ethics
It used to be that clergy knew the difference between right and wrong. After all, teaching such matters was seen as a core part of the job. But eroding standards, moral ambiguity, and other factors have made that assumption dangerous, says Luder Whitlock, who chaired a drafting committee for a National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) clergy code of ethics for clergy.