Here We Fall. We Can Do No Other. God Help Us –By Tim Bayly
Stellman says he has embraced two of Rome’s dogmas: that the Word of God is subordinate to the Church’s tradition, and that infusion is right and imputation wrong. In other words he has publicly repudiated sola Scriptura and sola fide. Those following the doctrinal battle of the past couple of years within the PCA’s Northwest Presbytery were surprised... Continue Reading
Reports from several ‘Moderator’s Committees’ at the ARP General Synod
…the 2011 Synod…passed a policy for trustee removal from agencies and boards. Various agencies contacted Paul Bell, Director for Central Services about issues of legality. Synod’s attorney, Mr. Dan Eller, studied the issue and reported back to the Executive Board that there are liability issues with having this policy.
A Tale of Two Moderators: “We have wolves in our midst – and it is open season” says outgoing moderator of ARP Synod
“Often, when the church seems buried and things seem most discouraging, God is working profoundly beneath the surface. Fathers and brothers, what is God doing to further his grace among us so that He can work his grace through us? Let us not look at the externals – the statistics, the reports, the so-called struggles for control and blame-shifting. Rather, let us call upon our Sovereign God under whose lordship we stand and serve." (Comments of incoming Moderator)
Report of Actions of First Presbytery, ARP, Meeting at June 5 meeting – by Daniel Wells
The congregation of Progressive ARP in Princeton, NC met on April 29, 2012 and voted to restore the (Presbytery deposed) Session; to withdraw membership from the ARP Denomination; and to dissolve the pastoral relationship with the Rev. Percy Coleman.
Report of Actions of Second Presbytery, ARP, at June 5 meeting – by Don K. Clements
Second Presbytery is made up of churches in UpState South Carolina (Greenville-Spartanburg and environs) along with the entire state of Georgia. Erskine College and Seminary and the headquarters of the denomination are located within the bounds of the Presbytery which adds a bit more interest to their docket from time to time.
Whose Justice? Which Theology? – by Craig Vincent Mitchell
When we see these obviously flawed examples of justice, we understand Proverbs 28:5, which says that the wicked do not understand justice. The biblical concept of justice has a number of associated ideas that are important to know if we are to truly understand it. The same God who designed and ordered all of creation designed man to seek the good and to avoid evil.
Southern Baptists Divided Over Calvinism; Debate ‘Salvation’ Document – by Lillian Kwon
While there are and have been Calvinists in the SBC, the statement points out that the majority of Southern Baptists do not embrace Calvinism and even the few who do tend to modify its teachings
The Most Important Book of 2012 is Out – by David Bahnsen
The stunning conclusions Murray brings his readers is that the economic plight in middle America is indisputably inter-connected with the complete disintegration of the family, the community, the pillars of faith, and attributes of character within middle America. The data Murray provides on the levels of single parenting, illegitimate births, 25-49 year old males who are able to work but not doing so, divorce rates, church attendance, and a plethora of other such categories leaves you speechless and frozen.
Car bombing at north Nigeria church kills 15, wounds more than 30 in latest terrorist attack – by Jon Gambrell
The bomber targeted the Living Faith church, in a neighborhood near the airport in Bauchi, the capital of Bauchi state. The timed blast caught many people outside the church without any cover to protect themselves from the explosion, causing heavy casualties.
Creation Debates — Another Reply to William Evans – by William VanDoodewaard
I do believe that literal six day creation is the best, most sound way to affirm the special creation of Adam and Eve, but this, of course, does not mean that I believe that only a six day creationist can affirm the special, immediate creation of Adam from inanimate dust, and Eve from his rib.... Continue Reading