Were the Covenants with Abraham and David Conditional? – by Richard Pratt
For a number of decades now, Old Testament scholars across the theological spectrum have drawn upon ancient texts to clarify the nature of biblical covenants. A number of reformed theologians have built on these comparative studies in ways that have the potential of confusing many sincere believers. So, I have felt compelled to speak to some aspects of the matter.
‘Open Mike’ with Iain Murray, Dick DeWitt, and Rick Phillips at Reformation ARP in Hendersonville, NC – by Don K. Clements
When DeWitt was asked, by Murray, if he believed in revival (I believe trying simply to engage him in the conversation), DeWitt simply said, after a brief pause, 'Yes!'
Reading the Bible More Carefully – by Michael Bauman
It's part of what theologians sometimes call “the doctrine of progressive revelation:” God did not give us the Biblical text all at once. It came to us over many centuries and in at least two languages. The earlier portions lead to the later and sometimes yield to them when the later arrive, their intended task -- preparation for Christ and His truth – then being complete.
Luter vs. Land – Who Will Be The Face of the Southern Baptist Convention? – by Bobby Ross, Jr.
As Southern Baptists prepare to install their first black president, observers disagree on how much clout Fred Luter will have in a denomination closely identified with high-profile figures such as the newly reprimanded Richard Land.
Were the Covenants with Abraham and David Conditional? – by Richard Pratt
For a number of decades now, Old Testament scholars across the theological spectrum have drawn upon ancient texts to clarify the nature of biblical covenants. A number of reformed theologians have built on these comparative studies in ways that have the potential of confusing many sincere believers. So, I have felt compelled to speak to some aspects of the matter.
The Two Kingdoms: A Third Way -by Wedgeworth and Escalante
What this reading of the two kingdoms boils down to is a recognition of an internal sphere, where the justifying and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit actually takes place, and then an external sphere which is shared by all men, and is shaped, in measure, by the spiritual affections without ever being conflated with the spiritual realm.
Charles Wesley’s Works Amassed Online
“Combined, these two collections comprise every poem or hymn that can be traced with some confidence to the pen of Charles Wesley,” said Dr. Maddox, who is William Kellon Quick Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Duke Divinity.
ARP Professors exchange blogs on creation issue in the denomination: VanDoodewaard comments on Evans
How the ARP Synod will respond to the Mississippi Valley memorial remains to be seen, but to me it is clearly worded, says what needs to be said, and is something that as stated pretty much everyone should be able to in good conscience agree upon. I trust the Lord will give wisdom, love and faithfulness, in this important discussion and decision.
ARP Professors exchange blogs on creation issue in the denomination: Evans responds to VanDoodewaard
I am an old-earth, special creation of Adam and Eve guy, and I am genuinely uncomfortable with macro-evolutionary explanations of human origins.
What’s Wrong with Theistic Evolution? – by Kevin DeYoung
How can we uphold the special dignity and majesty the Bible accords human beings when we are only qualitatively different from other life forms and continuous with the rest of the animal world? How can God impute sin and guilt to all humans along the lines of federal headship when some of us have no physical connection with Adam?