Response (Part 2) to ‘A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation’ – by Tom Ascol
Although I would love for everyone to read Scripture the way that I do, I am content to live within the SBC under the doctrinal umbrella of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and to cooperate with my less-Calvinistic brothers and sisters who are willing to do the same.
NYC Churches Moving Closer to Being Granted Permission to Worship at Schools – by Stoyan Zaimov
"I think the hearing went very well today," Lorence stated. "We are cautiously optimistic that Judge Preska will issue a permanent injunction against this policy that New York City has and allow religious groups to be able to use public schools on the weekends and weeknights on the same terms and conditions as everybody else."
Previously Missing Book of Nehemiah Found Among the Dead Sea Scrolls – by Staff
Finding evidence of the Biblical book of Nehemiah among the scroll fragments has eluded scroll scholars, until now. The celebrated Dead Sea Scrolls, first discovered in 1948 in the caves adjacent to the ancient site of Khirbet Qumran near the Dead Sea, are known to represent the earliest known texts of almost every book... Continue Reading
A Modest Proposal: Emphasizing Church Depth – by Larry Brown
My modest proposal is this: instead of emphasizing church growth, emphasize church depth. I feel that it is better to have a small core of dedicated disciples than a nation full of nominal, half-hearted, semi-Christians. That was the curse of the Roman emperor Constantine: he ended the persecution and made Christianity the thing to do.
Military Chaplains: To Have a Strong Army, We Need Strong Families
A typical Navy CREDO marriage retreat involves about 20 couples who spend about two days in a hotel or camp setting. As spouses talk to one another and develop their marriage skills, facilitators are also on hand to help them work through any problems that might come up during their discussion.
An Open Letter to Erskine College President David Norman – by Scott Cook
What Do You Believe about Jesus Christ and other Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith?
Suppose: A friend of the family (who was a Christian) has just died, and this young man has been asked to officiate the funeral and needs your advice. What would you tell him to say to the family members when they ask what has become of their loved one? What happens until the resurrection?
Thin red line – Chinese Christian human rights activist grants interview – by Jamie Dean
For nearly an hour, he spoke about what he sees as the central problem in China: “China does not lack laws, but the rule of law.” Chen said his own activities in China—including defending the rights of disabled Chinese citizens—centered on asking courts to enforce Chinese law. He said corrupt local officials often ignore the law and abuse their citizens, including his own family: “The moral standards are rock bottom.”
Jackson, MS area churches choose to drop denomination ID from their names- by Katie Eubanks
In Madison, the core group who started the five-year-old Madison Heights Church decided not to include the word Presbyterian in their name but instead to put the acronym PCA at the end. PCA stands for Presbyterian Church in America……new Baptist churches often omit the word Baptist because it carries a stigma. “Baptists are generally considered... Continue Reading
RTS Chancellor Succession: Mike Milton takes over; Ric Cannada retires after 18 years of service – by Staff
We pray that faithfulness to the inerrancy of Scripture and to the teaching of the Reformed faith will continue to be defining traits to RTS in the future as they were under the leadership of the former presidents and chancellors of RTS – Sam Patterson, Luder Whitlock and Ric Cannada -- RTS Board
Greenville Seminary awards Honorary Doctorates to Hamilton and Phillips – by Staff
Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr., president of Greenville Seminary, told the Commencement gathering that by adopting a new practice of awarding honorary doctorates, the seminary “recognizes those individuals whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide leadership and inspiration to its students and graduates” and the seminary “thereby makes a public declaration of its own values.”