The Local Church and Evangelism – A Dynamic Church (Part 4 of 6)
In the New Testament we see all the preaching coming from the Church as expressed in the local churches whether at Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus or elsewhere. All converts were added to the churches. All preachers were subject to the discipline of the churches and, if travelling abroad, were sent out by one church or another
Response (Part 1) to “A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation” – by Tom Ascol
"I believe that this document, more than anything else that I have seen written on the differences that characterize many Southern Baptists on the doctrines of grace, has the potential seriously to disrupt the unity that Great Commission Resurgence has sought to foster and instead and to revive old suspicions and misrepresentations that too often have characterized past debates on these subjects." --Tom Ascol 0
The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part One by Albert Mohler
Today’s teenager, if not stranded on some desert island, is likely to know more about sex and its complexities than his father knew when he got married. Furthermore, what most generations have known only in the imagination–if at all–is now there for the viewing on websites, both commercial and free. The Internet has brought an interstate highway of pornography into every community, with exit ramps at every terminal or personal computer.
Ecclesiastical Hypochondria: An Argument Style that has Grown Very Old
Maybe one cure for the EH that can infect an assembly or a local church or a session is to retire some of those fantasies of creating a perfect structure or a church that is immune from all possible exposures. Sin will recur, and as long as we live in this world, we will need to adapt to our illnesses. That’s normal.
Institutions Consider Plagiarism Intellectual Theft; Could apply to Richard Land Case – by Greg Horton
SWBTS houses the Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement. Land, head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, is also a visiting professor at SWBTS. An ERLC committee is scheduled June 1 to release the findings of its plagiarism investigation of Land.
‘Just Listen’—The Lausanne Movement and Global Theological Education – by Mike Milton
He went on to say that the Church in that Middle Eastern nation is growing. But the congregations there, the underground Church, require that their pastors be grounded in God’s Word and in a very robust theological and Biblical program of three year study before they are ordained (in secret) and begin to serve (bi-vocationally) as the pastor of a congregation
Review: Ross Douthat’s ‘Bad Religion’ – by Tim Padgett
What is remarkable is that with Ross Douthat being who he is and having the prominence that he does, there are a great many people who will take the time to take this in when they otherwise would not come near these ideas with a ten foot pole. Douthat is an accepted member of the American elite, and they will listen to him more so than they would from others hailing from ‘flyover country.’
‘Non-Calvinist’ Southern Baptists issue statement of beliefs – by Staff
We deny that this atonement results in salvation without a person’s free response of repentance and faith. We deny that God imposes or withholds this atonement without respect to an act of the person’s free will. We deny that Christ died only for the sins of those who will be saved… We deny that any person is regenerated prior to or apart from hearing and responding to the Gospel.
Observations on RUF at a southern campus…by an Alabama RUFer.
One assistant pastor…noticed a contrast between the RUF’s and the other campus ministries…. His observation, which I wholeheartedly agree with, is that a “subculture of license” seems to accompany RUF. This especially manifests itself in the topics of conversation and language used. Students in RUF do not give a second thought to using crude language and crude jokes.
The Regulative Principle of Worship
Thus, the regulative principle as such may not be invoked to determine whether contemporary or traditional songs are employed, whether three verses or three chapters of Scripture are read, whether one long prayer or several short prayers are made, or whether a single cup or individual cups with real wine or grape juice are utilized at the Lord’s Supper. To all of these issues, the principle “all things should be done decently and in order