Ecclesiastical Architecture (6) – by Rebecca VanDoodewaard
“God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Our sanctuaries should reflect this, even as we look forward to the day when we will not need windows or light fixtures: “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb” (Rev. 21:23).
PCUSA/ECO Pastor in Fort Pierce, Fla. To lead Evangelical Covenant Order – by Zaimarie De Guzman
"I can't follow a church that is going to take scripture and adapt it to the way of the world," said 71-year-old church member Carolyn Swayze.
Studies say atheists, believers both do good, but for different reasons – by Kimberly Winston
"They did not find that nonreligious people were more generous overall, just that they needed emotional responses to be generous more than religious people do,” he said. “So all those TV ads of starving children are important for the nonreligious to give money, but not so much for the religious."
PCA’S Standing Judicial Commission has spoken; No officer or teacher may hold to Theistic Evolution – by Don K. Clements
“Holding the view of beginnings expressed in ‘theistic evolution’ is contrary to the fundamentals of our system of doctrine taught in the Word of God and our standards. Such a view destroys the basis of such doctrines as the doctrines of sin, of marriage, of salvation, of covenants, and others. Therefore such a view cannot be allowed as an exception. Anyone holding such a view must be disqualified from teaching and/or ordination in the church.” --Decision of New River Presbytery upheld by the SJC.
John Newton On Neglecting The Assembly of the Saints – by Shane Lems
Newton’s pastoral heart comes out in this letter. He is straightforward, blunt, and biblical. At the same time, it is very evident that he simply wants his parishioners to hear the sermons for their own Christian good and growth in godliness. Newton certainly wasn’t a legalist looking to make people proud of their church attendance.
Amarillo By Morning (Smith and Wesson on My Mind) – by Mike Adams
To date, there have been 16 refereed studies that have concluded that violent crime goes down as a result of concealed carry laws. About 10 refereed studies have shown the results of concealed carry laws to be inconclusive with regard to violent crime. No refereed studies – I repeat, zero refereed studies – have shown... Continue Reading
Jamie Smith’s Surprising Concession in his critical response to ‘2K’ theology – by D. G. Hart
It seems to me that on the basis of Smith’s reading of Augustine the Calvin professor is a welcome contribution to the neo-Calvinist world. The reason is that he sees how ecclesial Augustine was. And one of the foremost concerns of contemporary 2kers is to restore to the church her unique calling. To do that... Continue Reading
Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms – by Isabel Sawhill
...marriage is good for children. Those who live with their biological parents do better in school and are less likely to get pregnant or arrested. They have lower rates of suicide, achieve higher levels of education and earn more as adults.
The Local Church and Evangelism – A dynamic theology (Part 3 of 6) – by Erroll Hulse
Two heresies in particular destroy the Gospel as far as its evangelistic thrust is concerned. One is hyper-Calvinism in which the free offers of the Gospel are denied and in which an excuse is made of the fact that men are dead in sin and therefore there is no point in evangelizing. The other heresy which destroys true evangelism is decisionism.
Proposed Seminar on Creation and Science at 2012 PCA General Assembly Stirs Debate – by Dominic Aquila
The concerns raised about the seminar are based on what appear to be inferences that Old Earth Creationism has more scientific evidence and credibility than Young Earth Creationism.