A Wakeup Call for the Church: Young People Saying ‘You Lost Me’ – by Eric Metaxas
Today's younger generation is relationally oriented. Teaching them a set of principles in an isolated setting is not going to inculcate a biblical worldview in many of these teens. As my BreakPoint colleague John Stonestreet says, "When it comes to teens, worldview is as much caught as it is taught'."
Richard Land’s future with Southern Baptists may hinge on report – by Bob Smietana
Land has never been afraid to speak his mind. In 1998, he championed the Baptist boycott of Disney over gay-themed events at amusement parks. “Do they expect Mickey to leave Minnie and move in with Donald?” Land told the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “That’s Goofy!”
What Does It Mean To Be Biblically Balanced? – by Tullian Tchividjian
My point is simply this: to be “Biblically balanced” is NOT to allot equal airtime to every Biblical theme. To be Biblically balanced is to let our theology and preaching be proportioned by the Bible’s radically disproportionate focus on God’s saving love for sinners seen and accomplished in the crucified and risen Christ.
Five Factors that Brought Life to a Dying Church – by J. D. Greear
J. D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Before becoming the pastor of The Summit, J. D. served with the SBC International Mission Board from 1997-1999 and, upon returning, earned his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He frequently teaches courses in evangelism and church planting at the seminary. This article appeared on the SEBTS blog and is used with permission.
Josh McDowell: Pornography threatening ‘downfall’ of church – by Anugrah Kumar
More shockingly, half of all Christian families report that pornography is a problem, and 30 per cent of pastors have viewed pornography in the last 30 days. The newly produced video on the website shows that pornography aggressively preys on and attacks its victims.
Archbishop of Canterbury: who’ll get the impossible job? – by Peter Stanford
So the bookies who are busy offering odds on the runners and riders in this unusual race…have nevertheless installed the 52-year-old Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth, as favourite. Unknown on a national stage, his great advantage appears to be that, on the see‑saw principle, he is the favoured Evangelical candidate.
Marriage: A Blood Covenant With a Threefold Purpose (Part 3 of 3) – by Bob Vincent
…you know what your children know? They listen through the door. Did you know that? Your children eavesdrop on you. They hear your yammering away and fussing with each other. They hear you when you cuss each other behind the bedroom door. Yeah, they hear that stuff, and they chalk it up. They are just hypocrites. You are just hypocrites. Your children see your hypocrisy
Battle Over Free Church Of Scotland Property may turn over hymn singing
“The question is whether the present body claiming to be the Free Church of Scotland is identifiable with the Free Church of Scotland of 1843. There is a moderately strong argument that by their action the present body are no longer the same body they once were. There was a principle that underlay worship in the Scottish Church at the time of reformation, that it should be unaccompanied and using scriptural materials.”
Christian Freedom: Grasping the Motivation to Love – by David Jones
We should note the Scripture's use of the word “fear” in two distinct senses. There is the fear of terror and dread, and the fear of veneration and honor. The fear of terror makes us want to run away and hide; the fear of honor leads us to stand in awe and worship. The gospel removes the fear of terror as a source of motivation in the Christian life.
Reflections for Memorial Day – by Ray Nothstine
Take time to learn the sacrifice of those sailors and what they endured for our country. The book of Deuteronomy declares, “Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past.”