What Kind of Bigger Tent? – By D. Clair Davis
Do my tents have much to do with other peoples’ tents? Are they nervous about seeing what else there is in the Bible? Have they read those thousands of pages of N. T. Wright or are they just passing on blogs? (No, I haven’t done my reading either, but at least I don’t pretend I have.) Is there more in the Bible than in the old-time religion?
How the “Worship Wars” Often Miss the Real Issue – by Michael Horton
The most important divide is over this question: Do we come to church primarily to receive or primarily to do something? In other words, is God not only the object but the primary actor in the service, or are we?
Today Was Supposed to Be My Wedding Day – by M. Connor
In other words, I had come to love Jesus and make my decisions based on him; my fiancé had not. That discrepancy became poison in our relationship---barely noticeable at first but eventually corrupting nearly every aspect of our lives. As I grew closer to God, I grew further from wanting to marry someone who did not have a relationship with him.
BioLogos, Theistic Evolution, and Misplaced Confidence – by Michael Kruger
On the other hand, refusing to adopt theistic evolution also has a price. We would be mocked and ridiculed by the world. But, given the choice between these two prices—losing the doctrine of imputation or being mocked and ridiculed by the world—I will pay the latter. After all, the latter is true already.
The Flags at the Cemetery
The Images Of Memorial Day
Sadly, we’re currently amid a period when we’ll observe a palpable increase in the flags at the cemetery, and a corresponding decrease in the gentlemen talking about the war at the hospital or McDonald’s. It’s a process that’s irreversible. There’s nothing we mere mortals can do about it. It’s in God’s hands.
The Local Church and Evangelism
Evangelism Defined (Part 2 of 6)
When we define evangelism we include comprehensiveness as well as contact. To have a five minute chat about the Gospel with every creature in the world is not to evangelize the world. That is contact alone. That is an introduction and such is valuable indeed, but evangelism is much more than that. Evangelism is comprehensive.
UNC Committee Won’t Recommend “All-Comers” Policy
Campus should remain open to Christian groups
"Anywhere they see any restrictive anything they want to strike that out, but that is an absolutely necessary component of the exercise of free speech." -- ADF attorney
What I Learned in Japan
'Take Away' lessons from the mission field to use at home.
For 14 years she shared the gospel, but with little response. But following a family crisis, Mrs. M and her family began to seek for true comfort and to learn of Christ: following an extensive instruction class with the pastor, they made profession and received baptism last November. This is but one of many examples of faithfulness and perseverance in the long-haul by which the church in Japan testifies to the need to wait upon the Lord to produce his fruit in his season.
Maine Churches to raise money to fight gay marriage
Conley's also seeking endorsements from well-known pastors who might be willing to record video and audio clips that can be played at churches taking part in Maine's collection-plate drive, he said. Those clips would also be sent to the state's Christian radio stations as public service announcements.
Creating Good and Beautiful Things
Random jam session in a New York subway rockets indie artist to Internet stardom
"I'm just trying to bring positivity and faith and this idea that we are created people for good reason, that there's a God who loves us and that changes the message of our lives," she said