Handling Disagreements in the Church
Conflict and Disagreement Remain Hallmarks of Humanity
Handling disagreements in the church goes beyond just managing conflict; it’s about truly reflecting Christ’s love and wisdom. When we approach disagreements with grace, humility, and a dedication to unity, we not only build up our church family but also become a strong testimony of God’s reconciling peace to the world. Introduction Rodney King... Continue Reading
What is the Church Militant?
Book Excerpt—The Army of God: Spurgeon’s Vision for the Church
For Spurgeon, the mark of spiritual life was not perfection, but persistent struggle against sin. In this life, the Christian was, fundamentally, a soldier. “To be a Christian is to be a warrior. The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: it is a battle-field. Neither must he... Continue Reading
The Believer and “Strange Things”
Sometimes we wonder what God is up to.
God did sometimes ask his people to do some rather odd things as recorded in the Bible. It is possible he might ask us to do some strange things as well. But generally speaking, we have the whole of Scripture to give us directions and guidelines as to both proper speech and proper action. ... Continue Reading
It Is Good
The man who is full of hope in God has his feet firmly planted on the foundation.
The promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20). That foundation is one that is sturdy. It will hold us. It is not overwhelmed by the waves. The river may rage, but the bottom remains unchanged. We may feel like the billows go over our heads, but be of good... Continue Reading
Loving Christ With All Our Minds: A Call for an Educational Reformation
Parents and educators must intentionally reference all disciplines back to their Christian center.
When educators intentionally omit God from the classroom for the alleged purpose of moral neutrality, another organizing principle and telos will necessarily fill the resulting vacuum. Many Christians have naively accepted what they thought was agnosticism in their educational models, but it turns out to be much worse. Over one hundred years ago, Abraham... Continue Reading
The Trinity Is Not a Team
God loves us as an outflow of his very nature—the one who loves perfectly and eternally.
The point is clear: the single, perfect, pure communion of love between the persons is poured out on us, as we are loved by the Father because of our union with the Son, whom the Father loves. The love of God is poured out on us by the inseparable work of Father, Son, and Holy... Continue Reading
Process with a Purpose
Knowing how our King was deprived due process during His suffering and recognizing the principles He has given us to govern the Church courts, we must carefully observe our duty in this regard, and leave the rest to Him.
Jews to work His glorious purposes to ensure that “all Israel will be saved” and the “fullness of the Gentiles” will come in to the Kingdom of God (cf. Rom. 11). All the unlawful disregard of process inflicted upon our King by the Jews was according to what God’s hand had “predestined to take place”... Continue Reading
Preachers “Landing the Plane”
Sunday’s sermon wasn't just "a story you found on Google".
Early on in serving the Lord by preaching (almost 25 years ago) I wrote full manuscripts and stuck to them rigorously. Then I’ve used various tools, manuscripts, outlines, passage overviews, 4-part-paper-fold, PowerPoint slides, and a few others to support the work of preaching. However, I’ve never found anything to replace or replicate the importance of... Continue Reading
Ideas Have Consequences—Cultural Marxism Has Victims
The reason this oppressor/oppressed binary narrative is so evil is that it is substituted for Biblical one.
Of course, those with power oppress those with less. That is an obvious conclusion from biblical teaching about how the fall corrupted human nature. But the radical fall of Adam’s race transmitted his sinful nature to all humans, not just the rich. Using the oppressor/oppressed lens of Marx to interpret all of history and explain... Continue Reading
The Enchanted Realism of “All Creatures Great and Small”
An essay on television’s best show.
The five major characters of “All Creatures” are each a finely-honed individual. None of them are perfect; all of them have flaws; they all fight realistic battles. Though the show is not a Christian show in explicit form, it overlaps significantly with a Christian vision of life in a fallen world. In fact, I think... Continue Reading
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