At PCA General Assembly, Mission to the World Committee of Commissioners revises proposed CMTW Report, responds to Overture on ‘Insider Movement’
Several experienced General Assembly observers believe that this report will bring about a significant amount of discussion during the report of the CoC and, in an otherwise quiet Assembly with few ‘hot button issues’, this could prove to be a significant debate. Out of the entire report presented by the Permanent Committee of Mission to... Continue Reading
RE Daniel Carrell Elected Moderator of 39th PCA General Assembly
Mr. Carrell, 70, a practicing attorney, is a ruling elder in the Stony Point Reformed Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Va. At its opening session on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, the 39th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America elected RE Daniel Carrell as Moderator. The PCA General Assembly is holding its annual meeting in... Continue Reading
The Aftermath of the PCA’s 38th General Assembly (II)
My favorite theologian, Dr. Herman Bavinck, taught me that it’s quite easy to criticize, tear down, and critique, but if you’re going to do that, you really need to have a viable, workable alternative to what you’re being so negative about. Items for Approval at the 38th General Assembly The dust is settling over Nashville... Continue Reading
Resolution Against PCA Proposed Involuntary Ecclesiastical Taxation Passed By Our Session
Providence PCA in Fayetteville, North Carolina Response to Pending BCO and RAO Changes that Would Levy Involuntary Taxes on Ministers and Churches Whereas, in prior years Providence PCA has voluntarily supported the work of the Administrative Committee of the PCA by freely giving a portion of our tithes and offerings; and Whereas, the 38th General... Continue Reading
PCA Stated Clerk Releases “Actions of the 38th General Assembly”
The Thirty-eighth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America met in Nashville, Tennessee June 29-July 2, 2010, at the Nashville Convention Center, hosted by Nashville Presbytery. A total of 1,311 commissioners attended (978 Teaching Elders and 333 Ruling Elders). In addition to acting upon the reports of the ten General-Assembly-level Permanent Committees and Agencies,... Continue Reading
What Should We Do? Keller-Duncan Discussions can point the way! The Future of the PCA (Part Two)
Keller made about six points concerning what the PCA should do in the coming years to foster unity. There were two that most impressed me I am more firmly convinced than ever that the PCA will decline in membership in the decade ahead, largely because of the division between the Traditionalists and the Contemporaries, which... Continue Reading
Move on, PCA – comments on the PCA General Assembly
‘Application’ is an old word, and ‘contextualization’ and ‘philosophy of ministry’ and ‘strategic plan’ are new ones, but I think they all mean the same thing. What makes a good sermon? It must be clearly based on the Bible. If it doesn’t, it may have a lot of practical wisdom in it, but there won’t... Continue Reading
Unintended Good Consequences from the PCA General Assembly
Each of the major issues (deaconesses and denominational planning) may reveal interesting and unexpected twists and turns, probably not planned by some. The 38th General Assembly of the PCA will probably neither prove to be the disastrous abyss that some think nor the inauguration of the eschaton expected by others. When measured by a longer... Continue Reading
Actions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, Friday, July 2, Final Report
This report is limited to highlights of the meeting to provide our readers with the main issues considered. The first item of business at 8:00AM Friday was to return to the report of the COC on Mission to North America and the request of the Chaplains Commission for a statement on the military’s dealing with... Continue Reading
Actions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, Thursday, July 1 – PM REPORT
This report is limited to highlights that could be of interest to our readers. First up after lunch was the Report of the Theological Examination Committee. This committee examines and approves men called for first or second ‘tier’ positions in the PCA, such as Presidents of the college and seminary, Coordinators of the varies ministry... Continue Reading