International Mission Board Drops Ban on Speaking in Tongues
New rules also loosen restrictions on baptism, divorce, and parents of teenagers
“Under the previous rules, candidates who spoke in tongues or had a “private prayer language” were barred. Under the new rules, speaking in tongues does not disqualify missionary candidates. Too much emphasis on charismatic gifts, like speaking in tongues, could still lead to discipline.” For more than a decade, the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission... Continue Reading
Socialization as a Religious Phenomenon
Socialization is not a home schooling issue; it is a religious phenomenon.
Religious practice creates a community that encourages social interaction and fosters positive youth development, so much so that it overwhelms differences in schooling choice. There is no evidence that home schooling youth are poorly socialized. However, there is evidence that we are asking and addressing the wrong question. Instead, the data suggest that children and... Continue Reading
Why Clergy Get Kicked Out
Every year thousands of clergy are moved, removed, or otherwise asked to retire from the pulpit
“Southern Baptists, who have been tracking this for over 15 years, show that 4 of the 5 top reasons clergy are let go is related to the leadership style of the pastor. Too strong a style is cited twice as often as too weak a style. But one thing that is consistent no matter the... Continue Reading
TGC Calls the Church to Join Them
TGC seems to be more of a denomination than simply a parachurch ministry.
As far as I know my own heart I am not disgruntled about anything. But I am troubled. I am troubled by the fact that TGC is calling for the church to join them as they do what God has commissioned the church to do. I am troubled by what I see as a lack... Continue Reading
College Students and the Church (3): A Challenge to Churches
Does the church live together in a way that readily encourages college students to integrate into the broader church community?
The neglected key to college student ministry is the exhortation of Peter: “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:9). It actually is that simple. The vision is to build relationships with college students, relationships in which counsel and discipleship and life-togetherness will come naturally and organically. This requires hospitality. It requires welcoming... Continue Reading
Gordon College Wins—and Loses?
I am concerned that the Administration and Board may have made too many concessions
“The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) may have left Gordon alone for the time being but only because they are satisfied that advocates for homosexual relations have (so to speak) secured the beachhead and are advancing inland. After reading the College’s own “Questions about Gordon’s Working Group” I felt some sadness for... Continue Reading
Atheists Outnumber Southern Baptists in US Military
Enough Southern Baptists have left active duty that atheists now outnumber them among soldiers
“According the latest Department of Defense statistics on religion, there were 12,360 Southern Baptists among the US military’s 1.3 million members on active duty as of December 2014. There were also 12,764 atheists—an advantage of 404 over Baptists.” Likely presidential candidate and former Southern Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee recently urged Christians to stay out... Continue Reading
College Students and the Church (2): A Challenge to Students
“We lose our youth in their young adult years because the church never had them.”
Would the pastor or elders or members of the church notice if you failed to attend on a Sunday? If the answer is no, then this is another sign that your spiritual health is in danger. We need accountability, and we need it within the defined committed body of a congregation. The college years are... Continue Reading
God Goes to Harvard
Harvard University was founded in 1636 with a clear Christian mission statement
“Mei Sheng, a Harvard University graduate student studying Biological and Biomedical Sciences, says she has been hugely impacted by a Christian conference uniquely geared for Ivy League students. Originally from Malaysia, Mei grew up in a Christian home but said she only truly recognized Jesus as her personal Savior six years ago.” Harvard University... Continue Reading
Shepherding: The Rest Of The Story
Faithful shepherding will not only produce growing sheep, it will promote going sheep, deployed in service to and to the glory of the Chief Shepherd.
To say the Lord is my shepherd is to say more than the Lord is my guardian. It is to say the Lord is my captain, and He is the captain of others conscripted to serve with me. He leads me not only beside still water and into green pastures, he leads me into battle... Continue Reading
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