The Unexpected Sacrifices Of The Mission Field
In my context, to put the work of the Gospel first essentially means that I must learn to prize and place the ministry of others above my own ministry
“We have missed our extended family – grandparents, aunt & uncles and cousins. We have experienced attempted break-ins to our house at night. Our car has been vandalized. Malaria has visited our family multiple times. While the joys abound, the challenges are manifold. Yet it has often been the unexpected challenges of the mission field... Continue Reading
Does Spiritual Formation Work? Answers from Haggai
“Spiritual formation” is a hot topic today. But does it work? The Old Testament prophet Haggai would answer no
The solution to our spiritual disease is not spiritual formation. The change we really need is a new heart and the “health” of Jesus Christ. Perfect attendance to spiritual practices does not overcome our sinful nature — that requires the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ. “Spiritual formation” is a hot... Continue Reading
7 Reasons Some Churches Experience Revitalization (While Others Don’t)
Traits common to churches that are being revitalized
While that turnaround is typically evident in attendance numbers, it is much more than that. I recently categorized those reasons some churches experience revitalization. I then compared them to churches that have not been revitalized. I found seven differences between the two sets of churches. These are the seven traits unique to the revitalized churches… I have a... Continue Reading
Young, Reckless, And Reformed
Three challenges for the young, reformed Christian.
While living in community, let your theology be shaped and molded as you’re seeing it worked out in a local church. As a point of emphasis, I suggest this be a local church. One. Don’t be the church-hopping person who is a little everywhere, but not completely somewhere. Put value in not just growing your... Continue Reading
Pastors Shouldn’t Have Trade Secrets
Your willingness to share your experience and knowledge can be of great help to others in ministry
“I remain firmly convinced, based upon Scripture and my experience, that pastors should not be in competition with one another. They should support, root for, rejoice in, and serve to ensure the other’s growth. One major implication of being gospel-centered is that we actually want to see the gospel advance. In order to do this... Continue Reading
Southern Seminary Trustees Accept Gift Of Wisconsin University Campus
Southern Board of Trustees accepts the gift of Northland International University campus in Dunbar, Wisconsin
Northland International University, an evangelical Christian school located in Dunbar, Wisconsin, will become the first campus outside of Louisville for Boyce College, Southern’s undergraduate school. The action is effective Aug. 1, 2015. “The fact that there will be a Boyce College and Southern Seminary campus located in Wisconsin on a campus of this stature is... Continue Reading
If Your Pastor Has A $60k A Year Clothing Allowance, You Probably Should Leave That Church
The personal excesses in ministry harm the proclamation of the gospel
As a 51-year-old I’ve had it with the Christian Glitterati obsessed with “success” using ministry as a means to get rich, wear Rolexes and play like they’re Ryan Seacrest. Our world is going to hell and the last thing we need is a preening pastor with a histrionic personality disorder. Last Thursday evening I... Continue Reading
5 Lessons from/for Foster Parenting
Since the age of 10 I’ve wanted to provide a safe place for foster children to live
God explicitly commands his people to care for the fatherless and the sojourner. That is exactly what these children are. They need safe homes, they need the blessing of the hearing the gospel and living in homes order by God’s Word. They need to be covered in prayer. The caseworkers, parents, and everyone involved need... Continue Reading
Gordon College to Review Policy on “Homosexual Conduct” Amid Accreditation Flap
Gordon College has agreed to review its conduct policy after the state’s accreditation body said the prohibition of “homosexual practice” might violate its diversity standards.
The college announced a yearlong policy review process in a joint statement issued with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). According to the statement, the agency requested the review “to ensure that the college’s policies and processes are non-discriminatory and that it ensures its ability to foster an atmosphere that respects and... Continue Reading
Christianity Is a Religion (Thank God!)
Is it possible that we disapprove of the idea of ‘religion’ not simply because it sounds old-fashioned but because people prefer a relationship with God without terms?
We don’t need less religion; we need more! We need a religion that affirms that all people stand condemned before the holy bar of God’s justice, and that all believers stand justified in God’s gracious presence. And we need a religion that stimulates rescued sinners to devote their entire lives to the praise of their... Continue Reading
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