Further Reasons Why the Presbyterian Church in America Ought Not to Ordain Men Who Experience Unnatural Lusts
The constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America prohibits the ordination of men who experience unnatural lusts.
Perhaps the most obvious corruption of our thought upon this point has been the substitution of “same sex attraction” for “lust.” …working off of Scripture’s framework, our constitution and ethical tradition know nothing of mere attraction, especially where it is conceived as a potential weakness or liability rather than as the sin of unnatural lust.... Continue Reading
A Physicist’s View of Nonbinary Sexuality
Like in magnetism, so in people, opposites attract; if we try to change the rules then the foundation of an ordered society crumbles.
The world has believed that marriage is for a man and a woman. Men and women are different. Viva la difference! They were made to complement one another and to be close, just like the positive and negative charges in physics. This was part of God’s created order. From God’s creation comes order, predictability, productivity,... Continue Reading
Covenanting to Choose David Over Saul
How to Use Republican Democracy to Advance Towards a Godly Country
The reason why we find ourselves often in a lesser-of-two-evil election is because we think like 1 Samuel 8 Israelites way too often. We end up in a kind of Judas-esque situation trying to back a different horse at the last minute because what we thought we had is not what we actually wanted. Lots... Continue Reading
How Naivety Is Allowing Unbiblical Progressivism Into Evangelical Churches
We are commanded to guard against such rank gullibility.
How does deception happen? Does it come packaged in clear, straightforward arguments? Or are distortions advanced incrementally, with hedging and disclaimers, until error is fully embraced, like when Barack Obama insisted he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, even as his rhetoric moved the ball forward on same-sex marriage until he could... Continue Reading
Slaying Feminism: Ending the Impossible Quest for Sexual Interchangeability
Back to Basics: Men and Women Really Are Different
For when feminists diminish or deny all the differences between male and female, the only remaining distinction between the sexes is the capacity of women to give birth. In other words, the Christian vision of the sexes celebrates feminine gifts beyond the birthing room, but the feminist vision of interchangeable cogs can give no reason... Continue Reading
Seeking a More Balanced Perspective: A Response to Ann Hall’s Review of Alongside Care
In this response, I hope to present a more balanced perspective of the authors’ message in “Alongside Care” and answer questions raised by Mrs. Hall’s review.
When it comes to women caring for women in our churches, Alongside Care seeks to provide a framework that honors God’s Word and His prescribed order for gender roles and church leadership. There may be differences in the terminology we use and the specific ways we implement such a ministry. Some churches may not need... Continue Reading
Christianity’s Contributions to World Culture
Many transformative ideas and whole fields of thought arose out of the intellectual culture of medieval and early modern European Christianity.
Ironically, the modern academic world, as secular as it has become, has its roots in an intellectually inclined monastic culture where humble monks, priests, and spiritual seekers searched for God and deep knowledge in harmony with faith, love, hope, and charity. It is seldom noted today, but both [experimental science and modern mathematics] were... Continue Reading
The Past Is More Than A List of Problems
We should not assume that just because we are the latest generation on earth, we are the greatest.
We must also seek out the good and right, the ageless wisdom and courage and faith that have always stood against evil, the virtues that have cultivated our world, the convictions that have built up and beautified it. Our ancestors have shown us many ways to fall and fail, certainly, but they have also at times... Continue Reading
The Tragedy of IVF
Do you think that children born by IVF are human beings?
IVF and surrogacy witness to the most natural and most glorious of human desires, that of a man and a woman wanting together to create the life of another person. Yet the very procedures require society to treat that person as a thing, a commodity. It is the quintessential tragedy of our modern, technological age.... Continue Reading
Five Myths about Christianity and Politics in America
Christians are called to live out their faith in every area of life—including politics.
Christianity and politics are not mutually exclusive. While the church should never become a political machine, it has a responsibility to engage the political sphere with moral clarity and courage. Our laws are, and always will be, reflections of our moral values, and Christians have an important role to play in shaping those values. ... Continue Reading
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