The Assault on Marriage
When I was growing up, Christian parents engrained in their children the general principle that “We do not believe in divorce!” Today, it seems, Christian parents also need to engrain in our children “We ALSO believe in marriage!” Jesus said “What God has joined together, let man not separate.” Yet, this week both a woman... Continue Reading
Some Thoughts on Foucault and Matthew 18:15-20
It seems that those who publicly carp about the failure of others to follow Matthew 18:15-20 sometimes do not follow it themselves. They are making a charge, and by the logic of their own position they should go to the alleged offender first. Moreover, those who cite the passage as an excuse for not confronting... Continue Reading
Inflation: Food, Fuel, and the Fed
The solution to the problem of soaring prices of food and fuel lies in Washington. If Congress, the president, and the bureaucracies would restore free markets in food and fuel markets, prices would come down. As Americans increasingly feel the pinch of higher prices for food and fuel, the Federal Reserve’s QE2 policy of creating... Continue Reading
A World Without the King James Version – Where we would be without the most popular English Bible ever
But, of course, the message is the most important thing. No one who grew up with the KJV can separate the aesthetic from the kerygmatic (Greek for “aiming to preach the gospel”). Yet Christian believers who had that privilege should always be grateful for how the translation communicated the message so powerfully: “For he hath... Continue Reading
Husbands, love your wives… even in a surprising way
While in Grand Cayman last week for our 15 year (early) anniversary trip, we had an amazing time with great discussions throughout the week. One particular conversation came from this question I try to ask regularly, but had not for quite some time. The question was, “What is something practical I can do to make... Continue Reading
On Abusing Matthew 18
A few bloggers respond with more heat than light. Person B writes a blog with some substance, responding to Person A. The blogosphere lights up with attacks on Person B, many of them asking Person B rather accusingly, “Did you communicate with Person A in private first? If not, aren’t you guilty of violating what... Continue Reading
Does Advocating Limited Government Mean Abandoning the Poor?
Abstract: Government anti-poverty programs share the flawed assumption that poverty in America is primarily a material problem that can be solved by increased welfare and entitlement spending. Poverty in America is often the result of a relational problem, such as fatherlessness or community breakdown, which government programs cannot adequately address. However, the institutions of civil... Continue Reading
Living Reality – Lessons from “What About Bob?”
Just as people on a physical level … are better served living consistently with the truth and recognizing life as it is, so on a spiritual level Christians are better served living consistently with a biblical worldview rather than professing one worldview but at times seeking to live by another. Call me schizophrenic, but I... Continue Reading
Anthony Bradley’s “Narcissism Epidemic” – Which ‘Circuit’ is the Problem?
In doing some recently electrical work I was reminded that there is a big difference between knowing that you have a short in your lines, and figuring out what circuit is the issue. Until you find that damaged circuit the house is still in danger. I recently read Dr. Anthony Bradley’s article on what he... Continue Reading
An Interview with authors of ‘American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us’
For a long time I couldn’t believe that people were making choices about their religious behavior on the basis of their politics because I couldn’t imagine that people would be making choices that might affect their eternal fate on the basis of how they felt about George W. Bush or Bill Clinton. Yet, our data... Continue Reading