Lobotomizing God – The new, lobotomized god, only loves—never judges.
It’s not hard to find this gentler, kinder God. Turn on the TV or radio and you are likely to hear a Reverend Johnny Glitter Teeth smiling broadly and telling his congregation that God only wants good things for them. Think happy thoughts and God will give you all you want whenever you want it... Continue Reading
Rob Bell: a Brother to Embrace, or a Wolf to Avoid?
If Christopher Hitches or Deepak Chopra penned a book that scoffed at the biblical teaching on hell, we would not be surprised. So why would anyone be shocked or confused when Rob Bell writes Love Wins? Has Bell shown any more commitment to gospel truth, or any more devotion to the principle of biblical authority... Continue Reading
Self-Examination for the digital age – reflections on Tim Challies’s ‘The Next Story: Life and faith after the digital explosion’
I’ve read the book through twice, and already know that it’s going to join my small pile of annual re-reads (if I can get it back from my wife). I certainly want my teenage sons to read it; and I look forward to discussing it with them as I try to set them on a... Continue Reading
A Home-Schooling Mom’s Analysis of Peter Enns’ Bible Curriculum for Home School Families
If you aren’t a homeschooling family, you may not be aware of the debate raging over a new Bible curriculum by Dr. Peter Enns. Here is a brief summary of the issues. Dr. Peter Enns, formerly of Westminster Theological Seminary, has written a curriculum, Telling God’s Story, to help parents teach their children about the... Continue Reading
ABC News’ 20/20 Magazine Program Lampoons Independent Fundamental Baptists
While all IFB churches aren’t abusing and covering up abuse, they do nevertheless share a propensity for it. The preacher as “man of God” teaching, the emphasis on authority and control, the lack of openness by church leaders, often no accountability for senior pastors, no denominational checks and balances, a persecution mindset and remnant mentality,... Continue Reading
Tax Time Coming, So Here’s Marvin’s Second Annual Pre-April 15 Joke Column
A doctor tells a patient that she has three months to live. She asks, “Is there anything I can do?” He replies, “Yes, marry a tax accountant.” She is surprised: “How will that cure me?” The doctor says, “It won’t, but it will make those three months seem like an eternity.” My apologies to tax... Continue Reading
The Only Game in Town? Richard Dawkins and the Limits of Reason
The public relations strategy Dawkins employs here is a rhetorical slander. He means to isolate those who deny evolution as morally and intellectually equivalent to Holocaust deniers — a very loaded and incendiary argument. “I shall be using the term ‘history-deniers’ for those people who deny evolution,” he announces. Dawkins really believes (or at least... Continue Reading
Presbyterians Proclaiming Predestination and Election!
The title sounds like the headline for a breaking news story, doesn’t it? Yet, truth be told, this shouldn’t any news at all, … that is, if Presbyterians are presently and actively promoting the doctrinal positions we hold so important. My purpose is to provide impetus so as to stir up and incite Presbyterians not... Continue Reading
Biblical theology, systematic theology and stabbing a fat man
How do you get to Jesus in a sermon about Ehud? I mean, when the text you’re preaching is about a tricky, left-handed sneak who stabs a fat king and gets away because the guards are deterred by the smell, how exactly do you turn from that to the glories of Jesus? I’m just finished... Continue Reading
The Son of Man Came Drinking – Was Jesus a Social Drinker? Part II
According to Luke 7:34, “The Son of Man [came] … drinking.” As we saw in our previous post, the text interpreted in context indicates that Jesus was a social drinker. That is, Jesus used alcoholic beverages in moderation, and he sometimes drank in public. What does this mean for us today? How does the question... Continue Reading