Must the Children of Elders be Christians?
He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? 1 Timothy 3:4-5 . . . above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to... Continue Reading
What was Jonathan Edwards really saying?
…for Edwards, true religion consists in obedience to God, in holy practice. However, the only way an individual’s will can be moved to obey is to be affected. Or to put it differently, only as the individual loves–the chief of all affections–will the individual obey. And the only way someone can love–which is an affection–is... Continue Reading
Two Kingdoms, Ten Commandments, One Objection
Finally, the problem with (3) is that 2K theories simply have no place for a higher law that transcends and encompasses the kingdoms — a third moral standard distinct from the standards of the two kingdoms. In other words, accepting (3) would amount to either a modification of 2K doctrine that leaves it unrecognizable or... Continue Reading
One More Time! – Urban missional churches need Christian schools
In the ghetto a black male is much more likely to graduate from a Christian school than a public school. White privilege won’t be able to see Christian schools in the ghetto as a justice operation because they experience Christian schools as elitism. Ask struggling single Moms in the ghetto what they would prefer, you’d... Continue Reading
Why Is Hell Forever? – The Nature of Sin
For the past several weeks, evangelical Christians have spent a lot of time talking about Rob Bell’s new book, Love Wins, in which he seeks to redefine the Christian doctrine of hell. As others have noted, Bell’s argument is not new at all. But Bell’s central point is always relevant. One of his questions weighs... Continue Reading
Counting the goal to become a good Presbyter
We are all familiar with the role good parents serve in guiding and steering their children, setting before them worthy goals and aspirations as well as likely or potential options for their future. I wish I had a nickel for every time the words “doctor or lawyer” have passed from parent’s lips to their children’s... Continue Reading
Diamond Dads: Baseball, Fatherhood, and the Gospel
Today marks the opening day of Major League Baseball season. As fans of baseball (and spring!) here at Gender Blog, we begin the week with a well-done two-part series by David Prince on baseball and biblical manhood. I heard the words blare from the car radio and received them with that uneasy pang in the... Continue Reading
Scripture Is Made Up of ‘Mere Words’ – A Response to President David Norman’s Final Article Entitled ‘The Bottom Line’
To the untrained ear, the difference between understanding the Bible as “authoritative” or “inerrant” may sound like a quarrel over “mere words.” Yet, when we flesh out for people what the difference is, and they begin to understand that the difference is between a Bible that is man’s thoughts about God or God’s word to... Continue Reading
The Legacy of R.C. Sproul and John Piper
One reason is that younger believers, in particular, have highly attuned “boloney detectors” (to use the technical term). They are hypersensitive to hypocrisy and phoniness. And when they hear Dr. Sproul and Dr. Piper teach and preach, they hear authority and authenticity, truth and love, passion and power, combined in a compelling and arresting way... Continue Reading
This Truly is…March MADNESS! A Theological Reflection after KU’s Disappointing Loss
First I saw Duke fold. Then I watched Ohio State fall. We witnessed Pitt pierced. Now, oh how it hurts to write it, I have looked upon the sight of my KU Jayhawks downed by a feisty little powerhouse called VCU (no more “VC-Who” for this brave bunch!). Oh brother, are my brackets broken or... Continue Reading