Westboro Baptist’s Wacky Beliefs
As many of my readers know I have enjoyed the distinct privilege of serving as a chaplain in the United States Military for 17 years now. The first seven of those years I was an Army light infantry chaplain; the remaining ten have been with the Air Force. In that time I have ministered to... Continue Reading
Doing Away with Hell? Part Two
In his study of “seeker sensitive” churches, researcher Kimon Howland Sargeant notes that “today’s cultural pluralism fosters an under-emphasis on the ‘hard sell’ of Hell while contributing to an overemphasis on the ’soft sell’ of personal satisfaction through Jesus Christ.” The problem is thus more complex and pervasive than the theological rejection of hell–it also... Continue Reading
No Place for Heresy – Corruption and Reform in the Christian Church
Corruption and Reform in the Christian Church could be a title of a work on church history. There has been no age that has not seen this phenomenon occur and reoccur. One of the best examples of reform is that which occurred at Cluny in the tenth century in southern France following the darkest times... Continue Reading
Doing Away with Hell? Part One
Hell is an assured reality, just as it is presented so clearly in the Bible. To run from this truth, to reduce the sting of sin and the threat of hell, is to pervert the Gospel and to feed on lies. Hell is not up for a vote or open for revision After reviewing the... Continue Reading
In John 14:6 – ‘Through’ Means ‘Through Faith’
Inclusivists believe that everyone who is saved is saved through the person and work of Christ. They do not, however, insist that conscious faith (on the part of sentient adults) is necessary to appropriate this saving work. Some Buddhists or Hindus or good people in our neighborhoods drawn to the true and the beautiful might... Continue Reading
The Floating Dollar as a Threat to Property Rights
The more I’ve thought about it, the more I have been nagged by the thought that judges’ pay could be the device with which to attack the legal tender law I have come to regard as the greatest threat to property in America. (Editor’s Note: While this topic is not directly related to the church,... Continue Reading
The New Mideast Will Still Mix Mosque and State – Many Arabs and Muslims in the region identify secularism with tyranny.
The uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East have been widely described as secular rebellions led by middle-class, tech-savvy young people seeking economic and political justice. Protests have generally called for democratic, not Islamic politics, and for the rule of law, not Shariah law. Islamists were late to join the crowds, and they have... Continue Reading
Americans Back Waiting Period, Ultrasound Abortion Bills
A new national poll reveals a strong majority of Americans favor state legislation that requires a waiting period before an abortion and they say such laws are effective in reducing the number of abortions. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds 65 percent of Americans support a three-day waiting period and counseling before an abortion... Continue Reading
Presbyterian Salsa – Westminster’s Recipe for the ‘Communion of Saints’
The interpretation of “communion of the saints” has shifted through the ages. The issue is whether the word sanctorum in the Latin phrase should be translated “holy things” or “holy people” (saints)…either to a sacramental union—a communion that the believer has with the “holy things” of God, or to a living fellowship—a communion that the... Continue Reading
It’s Never Just the Economy, Stupid – It’s Time To Rethink our Defense Policy
Given these numbers, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the political aims and ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood represent a domestic threat to national security. It is one thing to have hundreds of terrorist sympathizers within our borders, but quite another if that number is in the hundreds of thousands. The following is adapted... Continue Reading