Reformed Theology vs Hyper-Calvinism
The wisdom of the Reformed confessions is that they refuse to speculate beyond Scripture and insist on proclaiming the whole counsel of God, not simply the passages that seem to reinforce one-sided emphases. It is not a question of where the logic should lead us but where the Scriptures do lead us. Before the average... Continue Reading
Abortion By Any Other Name?
Again, what we call things matters. These names reflect and transmit worldviews. We should therefore choose our words wisely, and we should realize that others are often choosing their words craftily. During debate in March 2010 on the health care bill, Randy Neugebauer (R-Tex.) yelled out “It’s a baby killer!” on the House floor. He... Continue Reading
The World Upside Down in the Middle East
The Church’s call today is to speak prophetically, respectfully, to all nations that liberty comes from the Lord. Reagan said, “It is time for the world to know our intellectual and spiritual values are rooted in the source of all strength, a belief in a Supreme Being, and a law higher than our own.” The... Continue Reading
To Trust Millionaires or Billionaires? – What To Make Of The NFL Implosion
As Christians, we don’t necessarily abandon the value of the free market or the importance of putting hurt feelings and petty differences aside to do good business. This isn’t an argument for anything quasi-socialistic (Sorry, Dr. Trueman). Yet, even Christians who prefer economic liberty should also give preference to a “cosmic personalism.” Anyone who remotely... Continue Reading
Vigilant at Vanderbilt – Day One: “We didn’t do it”; Day Two “We promise not to do it again”
…pro-life forces are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans. Even pro-choice advocate Frances Kissling…admits in a recent Washington Post op-ed that the tide has turned for life. Advances in medical technology which gives us clear pictures of the fetus, along with the continuing horrors committed by abortionists, have helped sway public... Continue Reading
Leaving Marriage Unguarded – Obama administration wrongly dismisses legal protections and moral arguments for marriage
According to the Attorney General, any expression of moral sentiment for or against a law – even where the law is demonstrably good or bad for society – should render the law unconstitutional. On such “reasoning” slavery would continue to be an institution in this country and the Civil Rights Movement would have never made... Continue Reading
Easy Virtues and Cruel Mistresses – Basic Advice on How to (and NOT to) Interpret Luther
Before addressing a particular element of Rob Bell’s new book, I want to make sure that anyone reading this understands exactly what I am and am not doing. First, to avoid the usual indignant reactions from the guardians of conscience in the evangelical world, I want to stress that I am writing at this point... Continue Reading
Putting it In Perspective: The Inspiring Message of Nick Vujicic
So Nick implored the Sunday morning crowd—“see what God can do with what you have……If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart.” How often do we complain about things—the minor and major irritants of life? We have too much... Continue Reading
Texting God
The Yellow Pages used to encourage us to “let our fingers do the walking,” saving ourselves the time and effort of going from store to store to track down what we want. Today, a parallel adage might be to “let our thumbs do the talking.” Rather than place the call for the give and take... Continue Reading
When Winston Warned America – Remembering Churchill’s Prophetic ‘Iron Curtain’ speech at 65
It took the rest of the world a while to awaken to Churchill’s reality. When it did, it recognized the prime minister as a political prophet. But on March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill was a voice in the wilderness. It was 65 years ago, March 5, 1946, when Winston Churchill delivered his “Iron Curtain” speech... Continue Reading