Christmas According to the Angels (Part 2 of 3)
The angels tell us that, when it comes to saving sinners, the God of the Bible is partial to no nationality, language, status, gender, or other distinction made among mankind. None of these distinctions counts against us sinners. None of them exccludes us from God’s saving work and will. In our first installment in this... Continue Reading
So, why is incest wrong? Or, “If homosexuality is OK, why is incest wrong?”
When you confound that structure—when Dad sleeps with a man, Dad sleeps with another woman, or Mom sleeps with Grandpa—the family falls apart. Kids need clear roles and relationships. Without this, they get disoriented. Mess with the family, and you mess up the kids. There are certain questions now pressed upon us that previous generations... Continue Reading
Christmas According to the Angels (Part 1 of 3)
Other than the Holy Spirit, they are the most pivotal players in the drama that we know as the Christmas story; they are the most pivotal players in the accounts God gave us about the birth of Jesus our Lord. Matthew the Evangelist tells us that it was one of them who brought the announcement... Continue Reading
Christian Rout in the Culture War – This social experiment is not going to be without consequences
A Democratic Congress, discharged by the voters on Nov. 2, has as one of its last official acts, imposed its San Francisco values on the armed forces of the United States. ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is to be repealed. Open homosexuals are to be welcomed with open arms in all branches of the armed services.... Continue Reading
Defending the Free Church (Part 2) – The Tyranny of Conscience
In the name of Christian liberty and freedom of conscience, these men are demanding the freedom, not to practice what they believe is right, but to prevent others from doing what, in their own consciences according to the Word of God, they believe is right. In this second essay on the issues facing the Free... Continue Reading
The Third Wave of Persecution of Homeschooling has arrived – and this time they are right (well, they do exaggerate)!
Here is their assertion. Christian homeschooling parents are effectively transmitting values to their children that the elitists believe are dangerous to the well-being of both these very children and society as a whole. A THIRD WAVE OF ARGUMENT that seeks to curtail or crush the homeschooling movement—specifically, the Christian homeschooling movement—is coming. You need to... Continue Reading
Our Legalistic Definition of Legalism – Understanding the Semi-Pelagianism of the Pharisees
Legalism kills joy. Legalism kills community. Legalism is excessively concerned with the business of other people. God, show us our lingering legalisms, and help us to put it to death. First, a clarification. I am not among those who think that legalism is the worst bugbear out there in the culture or in the church.... Continue Reading
Blessed are the Entitled?
The Incarnation survived the Roman Empire, not because it was common but because it was strange, not because it was forced on people but because it captivated people. Ever witness a kid digress into complete meltdown mode after his parents refused to buy him that new video game? “But I want it! It’s mine! Give... Continue Reading
A new meaning for ‘brothers in arms’ – Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ can’t undo human nature
“First, you get your foot in the door by being as similar as possible; then and only then … can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first … allow the camel’s nose beneath your tent, and his whole body will soon follow.” Once again,... Continue Reading
Southern Poverty Law Center called out for politically motivated ‘Hate’ campaign against Christians
The SPLC and its allies are flailing violently as they swim upstream against a torrent of settled science, thousands of years of history and the unwavering moral precepts of every major world religion. It’s little wonder they’ve resorted to childish name calling. Sometimes the most effective way to deal with a bully is to simply... Continue Reading